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happy update!

I promised this update wouldn't take as long!

I hope you all are doing well! I was on spring holiday this week and I got to relax and spend time with my family while also doing some shopping and spending quality time with my friends.

But now I have to go back to school and i'm not ready haha

anyways, I hope you enjoy the update!

To say I wasn't doing well was an understatement.

In the first week following Harry's break up voicemail I hadn't heard from him at all. The first few days I had tried calling and texting him, trying to get more clarification, a better reason why, but i'd gotten nothing.

The second week I did all of the cliche post-breakup things I could think of. I ate an entire tub of ice cream by myself, baked everything that could be baked, went on an online shopping spree, re did my bedroom and then hated it so I put it back, and made the brave decision to dye my hair but then chickened out before the hairdresser could go through with it.

The third week, Jamie came to visit me. He let me cry and yell and punch my pillows while he tried to comfort me and tell me that it was going to be okay. That Harry only did what was best for us at the time.

But I just didn't understand.

I didn't understand why he would fight for us. If he loved me he would fight.

So maybe he didn't love me...not anymore.

But Jamie had to leave, and my comforter was gone.

Now I was numb.

I had experienced heart break before, but this was different. It felt like my everything had been ripped out from under me.

Now all I did was lay in my bed wearing his shirt, staring at the picture he had given me, gazing at the ceiling trying to remember every moment we had spent together, or trying to sleep so I could dream of him.

It was truly pathetic but I didn't care. I was sure if you looked up the word 'pathetic' in the dictionary, my picture would be next to it.

So when I started having symptoms and small flare ups of my Lyme's disease, I wasn't all that surprised.

I had basically stopped going to class, so every morning Phil knocked on my door to ask me if I was going to class and every morning I told him no.

I had heard him on the phone several times talking with my parents, asking what to do about me.

One afternoon while I was laying in bed, suffering through a particularly painful flare up, there was a knock on the door.

"Ms. Winston?" I heard Phil call out before the door opened slightly. "Is it alright for me to-"

"Yes." I said and he opened the door a little wider.

"Your parents have requested that I take you to see a doctor in d.c.? Dr. Horan?"


"They've made an appointment for you today...and we'll need to leave soon."

I sighed.

"Can you bring me my antibiotics please? They're in the desk."

"Oh. Ms. Winston are you in pain?"

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