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happy update!


you all are amazing and i love you!

enjoy the new chapter!

"Ow! Harry that hurts!"

"Then stop moving."

"But it hurts!"

"It hurts because you're moving!"


After a phone call with my doctor, he gave Harry permission to take my stitches out.

Apparently, Harry had and knew basic medical training, but I was starting to question that as I laid on my side on the couch while he worked on taking them out.

I let out a whine when he tugged a little too hard on one string and he set down his tool before placing his hand on my bare side.

"Emma, even if you go to the doctor it is still going to hurt. I'm trying my best to make it as painless as possible but you've got to bear with me just a little bit longer."

I nodded.

He went back to work, and I grit my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut as he continued to take them out.

"One more and we're done." He said and after a few seconds he took his hands away. "There, i'm all done."

I turned my head to the side to see a two to three inch pink scar on my side.

Harry used an alcohol pad to wipe down the area before he pulled my shirt back down.

"Okay, there you go."

"Thank you." I said and stood up, following him to the kitchen where he went to wash his hands and dispose of the materials.

"Are you done with all of your homework?" He asked me.

I had been transferred to taking all online classes for the rest of the semester except for my final exams. Those I would have to go to the professors office to take.

"Yes." I said. "But can we go out tomorrow?"


"I want to get out of this apartment and I want to go shopping for Christmas decorations."

"Decorations?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, like a tree, and garland and stockings for our fireplace."

He groaned.

"I need something to put your Christmas present under!" I countered.

"My Christmas present?" He looked up at me.

"Yes. I was going to get you something."

He bit the inside of his cheek.

"What?" I asked him.

"I just haven't got a Christmas present in a really long time."

I smiled.

"Okay, I have an idea." He said. "We each get each other two gifts. One funny and one serious."

"I like that idea." I smiled. "Let's do it."

He clapped his hands together before going to his room.

24/7 [h.s.]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon