Chapter 10.

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Sunday's afternoons always felt like a countdown of a ticking bomb to Daisy. As a rule or just a force of habit she preferred to lazy around in her PJs watching old movies or catching up on sleep but not on this particular Sunday. She was seated in their down stairs bar, Puzzles at their normal booth planning on carousing like the irresponsible young adults they were, you know just the usual typical day of any youth worth her salt. Getting drunk, Daisy thought, would be just what she needed. The mere thought that she could just order any drink and get drunk even though more often than not, taking her body size into consideration,she always got that look which was always followed by the infuriating question asking for her ID but still all things considered it still gave her a heady sense of power. It was a taste of freedom and the feeling of growing up but her mom's voice cut through her fantasy barking that's immature and she needed to grow up. It was ironical and she smiled as the waitress placed her glass of water in front of her.
The glass of water was the second indication this wasn't a normal Sunday. And after all she was an irresponsible young lady certified to get drunk, get laid, sneak out and do the walk of Shame and finally spend the next morning sick left high and dry so why order a glass of water?

Have a bun in the oven the phrase swirled in her mind and funny enough the news which she had been privy of for the last three months didn't shock her. As a matter of fact she loved it. She was only twenty four,which was too young to be pregnant but she didn't seem to mind. The fact there was a new life growing in her made her heart burst and overflow with love and if she admitted to herself a little wonder and cold feat.
The place wasn't yet packed with only half the tables occupied but it showed promise,if the occasional group or lone wolf trickling in was anything to go by.
Sipping from her glass her eyes swiveled to the nude painting of Barney placed at the place of honor behind the bar and smiled.

"You have to agree I totally outdid myself on that one. I haven't painted in what? Five years but by the look of things I still got it."
She gushed smiling sweetly at Barney.

"Yes it's a masterpiece."
Barney answered sourly as he took a sip from his whisky and added, "this isn't funny and do you think this will help your cause?"
His voice sounded amused as he held her stare.
Honey had already tuned them off and was watching Baby - who was seated across the bar as far away from her a possible and acting like he couldn't feel her eyes drilling holes at him. - with a look of malice and Wonder in her eyes.

"This is so childish."
She grumbled.

"My sentiments exactly."
Barney piped eyeing Daisy.

"Hey is that you?" The blonde buxom lady with breasts for a bigger lady and a dress of a smaller woman nodded towards the painting smiling at Barney, " it's a real piece of art such talent. The play of colours and shadow. To say nothing of the capture of emotions. I am collector can I buy it?"
Daisy smiled but the smile quickly disappeared when the bitch eyed  Barney crotch and asked, " is it 100% authentic or was it the imagination of the artist?"

"Authentic every seven inch of it."

"Can I buy it. I would love to have it hanging on my bedroom wall?"

"Why buy the fake if you can have the real thing and I can guarantee its much-"

Barney winked at the lady as Daisy kicked him beneath the table on the shin and glared at the lady who beat a hasty retreat. She was giving her your dead to me look or you are about to die look that made Barney shiver on something akin fear.

"Fuck Woman! do you have to be so violent?"

"Look at another woman and you will find out how violent I can get."

"That's so hot, you being jealous." Barney whispered teasing her, " but weren't you who told me art  is controversial?"

Honey smiled swallowing her words used against her and regretting her stupid plan. Her plan, she had to admit, was doomed from the start. She hadn't thought much past his embarrassment and even if it had gone as planned and she highly doubted that since Barney wasn't the type to be easily embarrassed judging by his  pride and high opinion of his anatomy. And who could blame the guy, he had a body like a god and she has to admit just looking at the painting she was getting all hot and bothered herself. He had a body that guaranteed an instant orgasm but after their wild sex session which to her felt to her like hours of a very long orgasm she was past that. Her plan was working against her and there was a name for that too. Wasn't it the law of diminishing returns or something?

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