Who Is She?

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Grace Emberly hadn't settled well since her meeting with Caitlyn Harp or Katheryn as she made herself known. She couldn't shake the underlying suspicion she felt.

"Did you find anything at the cottage?" She pushed as soon as Chesterfield returned.

"Nothing, the place has been empty for years" Chesterfield sighed, before lifting a tankard of beer off the table.

"So she did lie then? I knew she wasn't to be trusted" Grace scoffed as she too sipped some water.

"Maybe she was more frightened than she let on" Chesterfield tried to defend Katheryn but eve he had to admit it was a little strange.

"Or perhaps she was playing a game" Grace raised her eyebrows "Face it Captain, she isn't as squeaky clean as the impression she first gave. No she disappeared because she didn't want us to find her again. She was going back home...hang on, what if she hadn't been taken by one of them? What if she was one of them?"

"She didn't look Native" Chesterfield spoke sharply.

"Didn't she? You sure about that? Dark hair, slightly darker skin than Whats normal around here?" Grace continued "My guess is she comes from mixed blood, part native...part European...who knows"

"Enough Grace, Katheryn had no reason to lie to us. She was scared when I found her, she was trying to escape them not flee towards them" Chesterfield was quick to defend the strange young woman, much to Grace's annoyance.


Declan watched as Caitlyn laughed with the Lake Walkers, she spoke their language so fluently. His son slept soundly in his basket, as Declan then turned his attention to his latest prisoner "Micheal Smyth?" Declan's gruff voice was terrifying to the young Irish boy "Tell me again why you're here?"

"Because I wanted to find my fortune in the fur trade..." Michaels voice was shakey.

"You lie..." Declan snarled as he took a knife out of the fire.

"Why do you do that?" Micheal asked as Declan drew closer to him.

"It helps separate the hide, without damaging it" Declan's response was as he started to reach out for micheal.

"Christ...ALRIGHT, Alright there's a girl...Benton has her locked up in London and says he'll hang her if I don't..." Micheal cried, Caitlyn's head turned quickly. She had heard the boys confession.

"You love her?" She asked as she approached them both.

"Yes, I do" Micheal admitted and Declan inhaled deeply.

"Then you shouldn't trust Benton" he snarled "He doesn't care about your girl"

"What is it he has asked you to do?" Caitlyn was curious.

"To earn your trust and report back" Micheal informed them both.

"Be a spy?" A native looking woman spat furiously.

"Sacha" Caitlyn interrupted "Not now..."

A sudden rustling in the bushes caused Declan to stand guard, he instinctively put himself in front of his wife. Sacha pulled an arrow out of her back ouch and readied it in her bow, Caityln pulled the pistol out of her petticoat and cocked the safety trigger "Moa" Caitlyn called out when she saw her childhood friend staggering towards them. Clutching his blood stained chest "KAMENNA" Caitlyn cried as Moa fell at her feet.

"Kitchi, they have Kitchi" Moa managed before starting to mumble in Native tongue. Caitlyn spoke to him gently, then when he had finished talking she watched as his life left him.

"He's gone" Caitlyn sniffed "They have Kitchi, the men who wear Red and Blue"

Some of the healers came to Moa. Caitlyn took a step back into Declan, he put his hand on her shoulder as she allowed her head fall back onto him.

"We will find Kitchi and make whoever did this pay" Declan whispered, as Caitlin gripped his hand tightly.


Micheal had finally been released by Declan, and had been watching Caitlyn for some time. He sat beside her as they ate "They treat you like family" he spoke of his observation.

"I am, my mother came on a ship from London. My father was a Lake Walker...Kamenna's son" Caitlyn explained "They were both killed by Benton and his men"

"I'm sorry" Michael apologised immediately when Caitlyn explained "And you two?" he referred to Caitlyn and Declan.

"Declan was raised in the wild, our tribes crossed one day and we were drawn together" Caitlyn looked over at him "Our tribes were connected once we were married"

"Where were you married?" Michael asked randomly.

"Here by the river, and in Fort James" Caitlyn replied "Our marriage is legal, not just by Native traditions" Caitlyn seemed amused by Michaels curiosity.


Chesterfield walked further into the wilderness to track one of the soldiers responsible for stealing from the food store, and secretly hoping to find a clue that may lead him to Katheryn.

"Captain" One of his men called out, as Chesterfield approached he was surprised to see one of his men laid dead on the ground "There are four more over there"

The soldier led Chesterfield to the other dead bodies, they had been slashed and beaten "This is his doing" Chesterfield snarled "Declan Harp"

"Morton see to it that these men are identified and buried accordingly" Chesterfield ordered, before walking further into the bushes "I'm going to see if I can find a clue as to where he's hiding"

"Hiding Sir" Morton was confused "I hardly think this is the act of a man who hides, he wanted these men to be found...this is a warning Captain and I fear to say that perhaps it's just the beginning"


Kamenna watched with a smile as Caitlyn slept in Declan's arms "She is settled when you're here..." she spoke gently to Declan.

"I am settled when I am here also" he replied "She is my home, and this is hers"

"No, you are her home. And he is your future" Kamenna touched Declan's arm gently, as she gestures towards his son "Time is failing me, and soon there will come a day when she needs to step forward and be who she was born to be..."

"She will be a good okamow, Kamenna" Declan inhaled "She is kind and gracious..."

"And fierce and courageous" Kamenna smiled "She has her mother's spirit and her father's wisdom. I believe she will lead our people to peace...but this rage, this hatred she carries for Benton. I fear it will corrupt all that is good in her. Declan promise me you will not let her hatred for him destroy her passion for our people"

"I promise Kamenna" Declan sighed "You have my word"

"You have your mother's kindness" Kamenna touched Declan s face and then brushed her hand across Caitlyn's hair "A perfect match" she whispered, before standing and walking away.

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