Not What She Seems

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Sanooka sat beside Caitlyn as they waited for Declan and Micheal to reappear "It's been almost 10 minutes...Harp said..."

"They still have 3 minutes" Caitlyn replied harshly "I'm not leaving without him"

"There they are" Sonooka pointed towards the figures of three men, one was Micheal, one belonged to Declan and the third was Kitchi. Declan was holding him up as they ran.

"We go now" Declan called out as he ran past Caitlyn and Sanooka.


Kamenna greeted Caitlyn at the camp "Kaho" she gasped before looking behind her and spotting Kitchi "Kitchi..." she cried as two of the Cree men helped take Kitchi off Declan.

"You brought him home...thank you" Kamenna gently reached out and touched Caitlyn's face.

"Where's my boy?" Caitlyn spoke In barely a whisper.

Kamenna didn't speak she just gestured behind her to one of the woman holding him in her arms. Caitlyn rushed towards her and took him in her arms. Declan also moved towards them with haste "I can't keep leaving him like this, promise me the next time we go, we take him too"

Declan put his hand on his son's head and gently kissed Caitlyn's forehead "You promised me peace"

"And once Benton is dead we shall have that peace" Declan inhaled deeply.

As the couple looked around they realised the others had left, they were now both alone "I'm tired of this war Declan, maybe we should just leave it be...go away like we planned, just you, me and our son"

"And you think if we leave we'll be safe?" Declan reached up and moved some hair from his wife's face "Caitlyn we could travel to the end of the earth and he would come after us, Benton will not rest until you are removed from power of the Cree tribe, and while that target is on your back then I cannot rest until I have removed any risk to your life"

Caitlyn took a deep breath in and allowed Declan to press his forehead against hers "I will not allow any man who threatens your life to live. I swore I'd keep you both safe"

"I know" Caitlyn whispered gently as she laid Mikhoa in his crib, Declan and Caitlyn had now moved inside their tent "Do you trust me Declan?"

Declan moved closer to Caitlyn "You know I do, with my life" Declan replied as he moved his hands to his wife's waist.

"Then I believe I may have found a way to get to Benton" Caitlyn whispered "A way he won't see coming"

"No" Declan shook his head "No, I know what you're going to say and it's not going to happen"

"I don't plan on going to Benton direct, but Captain Chesterfield...i believe he has developed a bit of a soft spot for me" Caitlyn explained "And I think with the right amount of leverage then maybe we can perhaps find ourselves at an advantage..."


Grace wasn't sure what had taken her so far out into the wilderness, perhaps it was simply her curiousty. She regretted her decision instantly when she found herself stumbling upon some of the Lake Walker tribe.


Declan and Caitlyn laid intertwined in each other, covered in fur blankets.

Declan traced his wife's spine with his finger tips as she laid her head on his chest "I wish our lives could always be this simple" Caitlyn sighed as she looked up at him.

"And where would the fun be in that" Declan grinned.

The sound of shouting and gunshot interrupted the moment "Shit" Declan cried as he stood up and pulled on his pants "Stay here"

As Caitlyn laid in bed she was surprised to hear a familiar female voice "Take your hands off me" the voice spat furiously. Caitlyn was quick to put on Declan's shirt and wrap a fur around her.

"Stop" Caitlyn bellowed as she appeared "Let her go"

Declan turned to his wife and looked on her with caution "She works with Benton...Give me one good reason why I shouldn't...?"

"Because this is the woman who helped me when I was stranded in Fort James, She is the one who delivered our son" Declan hesitated as Caitlyn explained. Grace watched closely as Caitlyn moved closer to Declan, his huge frame towered over hers making her seem small and fragile. The fact Caitlyn was wearing an oversized shirt didn't go unnoticed by Grace either, it was obvious the shirt belonged to Declan.

"He's your child?" Grace spoke up and Declan nodded "And you are her...?"

"Husband" Caitlyn inturrpted "I'm sorry I deceived you but I couldn't risk Benton..."

"Hey listen, I have no intention of telling Lord Benton who you are. That business is your own, I won't say anything to Captain Chesterfield either. But there is one thing I will ask for in return for my discretion"


Declan hadn't settled well with Caitlyn's idea, but he agreed it was a good way to find out vital information about Lord Benton. And now Grace Emberly was in on it too, it meant their plan was more concrete.

Caitlyn sat and waited for Captain Chesterfield as agreed, Grace was keeping watch. While Declan and Micheal waited close by in the bushes that surrounded the Ale House.

Caitlyn's heart raced as the danger she now faced was more apparent, there she was sitting in a place filled with Benton's men "Katherine I'm sorry I'm late..."

"It's alright Captain I thought maybe you were trying to prove a point" Caitlyn smiled gently "I ordered us some ale, I hope that's alright?"

"Yes of course" Chesterfield sat down opposite Caitlyn "You look nice" he seemed nervous.

"Thank you" Caitlyn smirked.

"Your drinks" Grace interrupted "Can I get you some food?"

"Two pies please Grace" Chesterfield replied.

"Of course" Grace smiled and turned back to the bar.

"I have to admit I didn't think you'd come, to a place like this I mean" Chesterfield inhaled deeply.

"And I didn't think you'd be spared" Caitlyn's reply was bold, she noticed Chesterfield hesitated "You seem a man of great importance...i mean you are a captain are you not" Caitlyn sipped some ale.

"Indeed I am" Chesterfield couldn't resist the opportunity to boast "And you're quite right I have a very important role to play, while working here in Fort James"

"Forgive me for speaking boldly, but do you never get lonely Captain?" Caitlyn gently reached out her hand and placed it on top of Chesterfield's who swallowed hard before replying.

"Sometimes" he took a deep breath as he tried to call his racing heart.


"That woman talking to Captain Chesterfield...who is she?" Imogen, One of the barmaids at the ale house asked Grace.

"I have no idea" Grace frowned.

"She looks like a fragile little mouse" Imogen laughed almost out of jealously "She wouldn't last five minutes with a man like Chesterfield"

"I can assure you" Grace grabbed Imogens arms harshly "She is not a fragile little mouse and she is not what she seems. You'll do well to remember that"

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