It's Not That Easy

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"Well Katherine, thank you for a lovely evening" Chesterfield smiled as they both stood up "It has been a very welcome distraction to my usual routine"

"You're welcome Captain" Caitlyn smiled weakly "And thank you for providing me with some intelligent company, I love my son but how vocal range is a little limited"

"I'm sure it is" Chesterfield chuckled "Listen Katherine, I'd really like to do this again. But maybe next time we could dine at the Govenors house?"

"Alright" Caitlyn nodded "I'd like that, how about this day next week?"

"Fine I'll see you then? At 6.30 sharp" Chesterfield walked outside with Caitlyn "Shall I walk you home?"

"No it's fine, I prefer to walk alone" Caitlyn thought quickly so not to raise suspicion "Besides, the lady who watch's my son disapproves"

"Very well, well I'll see next week at 6.30 then" Chesterfield moved forwards to kiss Caitlyn, but she moved away. He looked a little concerned so she stepped forwards and kissed him on the cheek.

"After my recent misfortune Captain, would you mind if we took things slowly?" She asked and he touched her hand gently.

"Of course not, I'm sorry it was insensitive of me to assume like that" he smiled before kissing her cheek and saying another goodbye.


Caitlyn was very aware of her spectator as she walked past the Ale house and then between the two buildings which stood opposite. She walked down a passage before finally reaching the wilderness, as she moved through the trees she jumped a little as a branch on the ground snapped behind her "Jesus Christ Declan" She cursed under her breath.

Caitlyn stopped to catch her breath after her fright "Sorry" Declan apologised "Perhaps I should have coughed"

"It's fine" Caitlyn smiled gently "I had a feeling you would be following me anyway" she leant forwards and reached up to kiss her husband. She was surprised by his intense urgency for her as the kiss quickly became passionate. Declan lift Caitlyn's feet off the ground and carried her towards a tree.

Caitlyn too had become lost in the  moment as the pair began undressing their lower halves. Suddenly much to Declan's despair a noise sounded in the distance "Oh come on" Declan whispered under his breath. He quickly put Caitlyn's feet back on the ground and fastened his trousers. He watched for a second as she straightened her Dress, before taking her by the hand and gesturing her to stay quiet.

They both moved almost silently between the trees, this route was familiar to them both. Declan had led them both away from the a threat that was upon them. They were also away from the camp "Do you think we lost them?" Caitlyn whispered and Declan smiled.

"We lost them a while ago" he grinned  "I just wanted to get to this place alone, do you remember this place"

"How can I forget, this is where our son was made" Caitlyn returned his grin. The smile faded as Declan kissed her again, this time they weren't interrupted as they began to get lost in eachother again.


Caitlyn woke up covered in furs, the red glow of a fire warmed her face "How long have you been awake?" Caitlyn asked as she watched Declan cooking something in the flames.

"Long enough to stoke a fire and make us some breakfast" Declan replied. He smirked as Caitlyn stood up and put his fur coat on.

"I don't really have much of an appetite for food" Caitlyn smirked a she allowed her coat to separate, just enough to reveal her thigh. Declan shook his head in defeat and allowed Caitlyn to climb onto his lap.


Grace watched as Imogen hovered around the Ale store "Who is she waiting for?" Mary one of the barmaids asked as she too watched.

"I have no idea, but I'm about to find out" Grace noticed a man in a red coat waking towards Imogen, he was obviously a soldier.

The man spoke to Imogen for a few minutes, before grabbing her wrist harshly. It was then Grace realised Imogen wasn't giving this man information willingly.

"Do you think that had something to do with Captain Chesterfield?" Mary wondered.

"No" Grace inhaled deeply "My guess is that, that was about Chesterfield's meeting last night. And I bet Lord Benton was behind it"


"Can you remember when we were young? We would escape out here for days on end" Caitlyn said as she rested her head on Declan's chest "Some days I never wanted to go back"

"Caitlyn these are your people...and You becoming Kamenna one day is in your blood" Declan replied.

"And that's what scares me the most" Caitlyn spoke honestly "Leading a tribe, and being responsible for the future of others...Declan It's only ever been you and me...for as long as I can remember..."

"Caitlyn you were born for this, it's in your blood" Declan traced Caitlyn's spine "You're gracious and strong, the people are already willing you to lead them. And Kamenna has spoken to me about it..."

"What did she say?" Caitlyn wondered.

"She said she thinks you're ready" Declan spoke honestly as he watched his wife sit up and pull her fur coat around her.

"She said that?" Caitlyn frowned "I wish I was that confident"


Micheal sat patiently and waited for Declan and Caitlyn to return. He had a proposition for them both.

Sanooka sat down beside him "Do you think they'll be long?" Micheal wondered "Harp and Caitlyn I mean?"

"It's hard to say" Sanooka grinned widely "They can sometimes be gone for days, last time they disappeared Caitlyn ended up pregnant"


Declan held Caitlyn's hand tightly as he led her through the trees. Both of them stayed close and quiet as they neared the Lake Walker camp. As they walked towards the tents both of them were surprised to be greet by Micheal.

"Micheal?" Caitlyn seemed curious by Micheals urgency.

"I need to speak with you both" He spoke nervously as he stood in front of Declan "I Have a proposition...well more of an idea really...and my idea doesn't involve Caitlyn taking any risks"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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