I don't need saving

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Chesterfield turned quickly towards Caitlyn, you need to leave...now. Caitlyn nodded, and rushed towards the bar, making sure Declan saw her leave.

As she headed into outside she was surprised to feel a hand around her mouth. She was pulled backwards "Don't scream" the voice whispered. Caitlyn turned and saw the red and white coat "Chesterfield sent me to find you, he wants me to take you to the goveners house"


Caitlyn inhaled deeply as she found herself sitting in Chesterfields office. The door opened and in he walked "Katherine, I do apologise for rushing you away in such an inappropriate manner, but you must understand Declan Harp in incredibly dangerous. He would have surely taken you for his own..."

"Oh so that was Declan Harp..." Caitlyn cut Chesterfield short "I've heard so many stories, all of which are utterly terrifying, its alright captain I am grateful for your intervention. I dread to think what I would have become of me if that savage was able to whisk me away" Caitlyn lied so convincingly as she accepted a drink of water from Chesterfield "However I am afraid I cannot stay for to long, I have left my son with a friend and..."

"The baby, of course forgive me, my mind had neglected the fact you have a child" Chesterfield smiled weakly "Our meetings never seem to be intentional and yet our paths seem to collide so regularly just lately. Perhaps some greater good knows something we do not"

Caitlyn felt a little uncomfortable about Chesterfield's words. she didn't reply she just quikly glanced at the ground.

"Forgive me Katherine I have offended you" Chesterfield realised he had upset Caitlyn somehow.

"No, it's just my sons father" Caitlyn tried to explain.

"He forced you...?" Chesterfield assumed and Caitlyn gasped.

"No Captain. He was my husband, we were married until...well He was killed by savages" Caitlyn frowned, encouraging Chesterfield to believe her web of lies "He was a good kind man and he would have been a good father to our son...but He never even got the chance to meet him..." a few tears fell from Caitlyn's eyes "I'm sorry Captain I didn't mean to..."

"No" Chesterfield handed Caitlyn his handkerchief out of his pocket "Of course this is difficult for you to explain. I understand that..." Chesterfield moved closer to Caitlyn who was now sat on a chair "Maybe I could help you..."

"That's very kind of you Captain, but I have all I need, Thank you" Caitlyn snuked and stood gently "I'm afraid I must get back now"

"Yes of course, but remember if you do happen to need anything Katherine, anything at all...be sure to..." Chesterfield seemed a little bashful around this woman.

"I will and thanks again for saving me" Caitlyn smiled once more before leaving Chesterfield's office.


Declan paced the floor "I should never have taken her back there, she is recognised now...it was too risky" he scoffed, furious with himself for putting his wife at risk.

"Kaho can take care of herself, Declan you know how stubborn she is. She would never have allowed you to go alone" Kamenna smiled.

"I know..." Declan frowned and lowered his head "I just can't imagine what if do if any harm came to her"

"Declan" Micheal called out. As he lifted his head Declan saw Caitlyn walking through the trees and towards the camp. She was holding her dress in both hands.

"Caitlyn" Declan rushed to her quickly "Are you hurt?" he cupped her face in his hands and kissed the top of her forehead as she shook her head.

"No love" Caitlyn smiled "I am still in one piece"

"This time, Caitlyn you cannot go back to Fort James. Not anymore...Chesterfield He works for Benton" Declan explained.

"I know, I was taken back to Benton's headquarters" Caitlyn replied much to Declan's horror "Its alright love, no-one recognised me. I have changed somewhat since I was a child"

"I can't lose you Caitlyn, even the thought of it..."Declan spoke frantically.

"Its alright" Caitlyn touched Declan's, causing him to relax instantly "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I believe i also know who has information about Kitchi"

Declan didn't speak again he simply pulled his wife into a tight hug, inhaled her scent for some kind of comfort "I love you"

"And I love you" Caitlyn realised at this moment just how shaken Declan had been by the thought of her being so close to Benton. She was also reminded of how much that man had taken from them both "But shouldn't we make a plan on how were are going to rescue him?"


Micheal stood beside Declan as he sharpened his knives "Would it really be that bad if Benton ever found out who Caitlyn is...?"

"If he ever knew her true identity then he would capture her, torture her and then kill her, just to prove a point" Declan's tone was dark "Micheal, have you ever loved someone so much, that you don't know where they end and you begin?"

"I thought I did" Micheal inhaled "But now I'm not so sure. Seeing you both together, the way you move...I feel as though my love for Klenna is inadequate some how..."

"Micheal no love is the same. Caitlyn and I came from a world where loving eachother was the only way to stay alive...The fact you're willing to put your life on the line to save your girl..." Declan spoke honestly.

As Declan looked up a grin spread across his face, as he watch Caitlyn with some younger members of the Lakewalker Tribe. They were all dancing around and laughing "She really is something else isn't she?" Micheal spoke cautiously.

"Yes and I might aswell be dead without her" Declan inhaled and exhaled.


It was dark when Declan and Caitlyn finally settled for the night in their living quarters. Mikhoa was sleeping in his crib as Caitlyn slipped into bed beside her husband. She was wearing a plain white slip "He's getting close again isn't he?" Caitlyn asked as Declan turned to face her, hesitating at first "Please Declan I'm not an idiot"

"I know and yes he is becoming to close again" Declan frowned "Perhaps it's time to move on again for a while" he frowned and watched as Caitlyn's expression saddened "Caitlyn it's the only way I can keep you both safe, I've already told you I am not willing to take any risks with your life or with his...I need you...I need you" as Declan reached up to touch Caitlyn's face and put her hand into of his and looked deep into his eyes.

"If you say we need to go...then we go" Caitlyn smiled weakly "I am with you always..." Caitlyn didn't speak anymore she simply kissed Declan's lips gently and suggestively. Allowing him to roll her over so his muscular body was leaning over her.

In one swift movement Caitlyn removed her slip and reached her arms around Declan's neck as he kissed her neck and then her collarbone...

Gentle moans of pleasure filled the quarters as Declan and Caitlyn lost themselves in eachother...


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