Under Her Spell

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Declan, Micheal, Sanooka and Caitlyn all crouched in the bushes which surrounded the Ale house "You sure she can help?" Declan questioned Caitlyn who nodded certainly.

"She seems very close to the Captian and I feel not alot happens around here without her knowledge of it" Caitlyn replied and Declan inhaled deeply "Maybe I should go inside"

"No love" Caitlyn smiled gently "Your face is known in these parts, I'm still very much invisible"

"Not to Benton" Sanooka reminded her.

"Perhaps I should go" Micheal spoke up and Declan looked at Caitlyn "Benton will be expecting me, he'll want news"

"It's not a terrible idea?" Caitlyn reluctantly agreed with Michael, much to Declans amusement and Sanookas horror.

"You'll be killed, either that or betray us" she hissed. Caitlyn too now shared Declan amusement when it became clear that Sonooka had obviously developed feelings for Michael.

"Fine" Declan inhaled deeply and looked to Michael and then to Caitlyn "We shall meet you at the river"

Caitlyn watched curiously as Michael disappeared "Do you think we can trust him?" Sanooka whispered.

"I hope so" Caitlyn replied, hoping her husband's judgement was justified.

"What if he betrays us?" Sanooka wondered.

"Then I'll kill him" Declan spoke honestly as he grabbed Caitlyns hand and led her towards the next building. Sanooka followed "Come on, we need to get to the river"


Michael had learnt quite a lot of vital information from his visit to the Ale house. And as promise he made his way to the River.

"It's taking too long, perhaps he's betrayed us" Sanooka sighed. She was helping Caitlyn pack the pelts into a sack.

"Here he comes" Caitlyn said as she looked up. Declam too stood upright when he spotted Micheal walking towards him.

"Kitchi was here" Micheal spoke quickly and briefly "Before being taken by Bentons men"

"Benton?" Caitlyn repeated. Micheal nodded cautiously "Kitchi's at the governors house, Benton will want to keep him close"

Before anyone else could speak Micheal's attention was distracted "Christ all mighty, it can't be"

"IS that...?" Caitlyn wondered and Micheal nodded.

"Clenna, Yes that's her" Micheal confirmed. Sanooka didn't seem happy, she just looked at the ground. Declan grabbed Micheals arm as he wondered towards the guard. He seemed to have been blinded by any danger that now surrounded him "Get your hands off me"

"No" Declan scoffed angrily "I won't let you put us at risk, We will get your girl back I promise...but not now...now we need to concentrate on bringing Kitchi home"

"So what are we going to do now?" Sanooka looked up at Declan who was busy watching his wife.

"Don't even think about it" Caitlyn frowned "I'm not going anywhere, while you're here risking your life like this"

"I need you to be safe..." Declan moved closer to Caitlyn "It's too much of a risk"

"We're safer when we're together" Caitlyn inhaled deeply "I'm not going back without you Declan"

"Alright Fine, but you stay out of sight...promise me, whatever happens you'll stay out of sight" Declan moved some hair from Caitlyn's face "I can't lose you to them"

"I will be careful, you don't need to worry about me. I know how to stay safe" Caitlyn smiled weakly.


Micheal had found himself walking towards the Govenors house, as instructed by Harp.

Caitlyn was waiting in the bushes near the gates, she was surprised to feel a hand on her waist and across her mouth "Don't scream" Declan s voice whispered in her ear?

"I need to move" He added.

"Closer?" Caitlyn wondered and Declan nodded "Lets go"

"You need to stay here" Declan inhaled "Please Caitlyn, I can't go in there and save Kitchi unless I know you are safe"

"Fine" Caitlyn paused "But promise me you won't take any risks, our son needs his father and I need my husband"

"I will find you" Declan frowned "Nothing is going to happen to me"


As Caitlyn waited nervously by the River she was surprised to hear a familiar voice behind her "We just keep bumping into each other don't we?" Caitlyn smiled weakly when she turned and saw Chesterfield standing behind her.

"Hello Captain, if I didn't know any better I would say you were following me" her smile widened as she moved forwards. Preventing Chesterfield from seeing what was inside the boat.

"What are you doing here?" Chesterfield began to question her "You look like you're hiding from someone"

"And why would I need to hide Capitan?" Caitlyn chuckled "Alright you've caught me, I was spying...on those fishermen...I've heard fish isn't the only thing they bring in from the river"

"You mean gold?" The captain moved closer to Caitlyn "You've got goosebumps, here" Chesterfield removed his fur and wrapped it around Caitlyn's shoulders "Every time I seem to find you, you run away again. I was wondering if maybe...perhaps You would like to join me for dinner this evening?"

"Perhaps I would" Caitlyn smiled, she felt a little nervous all of a sudden as the captain moved closer to her "Where and what time should I arrive?"

"The Ale House, at 6.30 sharp" Chesterfield replied.

"Alright, I'll be there" Caitlyn smiled "I'd better go, let me know if they bring in more than fish"

Chesterfield nodded his head, he didn't speak again he just watched in awe as She handed him back his fur and walked away into the trees.


Caitlyn hadn't intended to walk towards Fort James, but her run in with Chesterfield left her with no choice. Caitlyn walked towards the Govenors house, looking out for her husband.

It wasn't until she was at the side of the house that she caught a glimpse of him, she hurried towards him "Declan" she whispered, causing him to turn instantly.

"Caitlyn I told you to wait by the River" Declan scolded as he continued to watch the guards.

"I know but Chesterfield...I couldn't stay there" Caitlyn explained much to Declan's horror.


Benton walked confidently into the Ale House "Ah Grace Emberly...just the woman I'm looking for"

"Lord Benton" Grace responded through gritted teeth.

"I'm looking for Captain Chesterfield, I hear you may know where he is?" Benton's confident tone, unnerved Grave a little.

"Why would I know where he is?" Grace replied as she poured Benton a brandy.

"I'm told by one or two of the soldiers that he seems to be sweet on a young woman..." Benton smirked "I assumed that woman was you"

"Well that's where you're wrong Lord Benton" Grace replied "The only woman who has caught the Captains eye is a mysterious one..."

"Mysterious?" Benton questioned curiously "How?"

"She comes and goes" Grace continued "He found her in the wilderness, I thought she was perhaps a savage to begin with...truth is I don't know where she came from. Nor do I care...all i know is that she has him under her spell"

"Does she indeed?" Benton inhaled deeply "Well I would like to meet this woman, maybe she could put me under her spell also"

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