A Little Unsettled

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Declan smiled as he watched his wife cradling their son. Caitlyn was telling him about the river "And here is your father" She whispered as Declan walked up behind them.

Declan didn't speak he just wrapped his arms around Caitlyn's shoulders "And while you Papa is here, we will never have to fear the unknown. He will always keep us safe"

"Mikhoa" Declan whispered and Caitlyn frowned "His name?"

"Mikhoa" Caitlyn repeated "Yes I suppose that would be a good name for a prince" she bit her lip and looked at her husband, before she had chance to speak they were interrupted by gun shots.

"Go" Declan spoke as he gestured for Caitlyn to escape into the woods. Caitlyn held Mikhoa close to her chest and ran. Declan grabbed his knives and headed towards the gunfire.


Declan fought at least 4 soldiers, killing them one after the other. He knew he was the only thing that stood between these men nd his wife and son and something inside Declan snapped. He had always been fiercely protective over Caitlyn.

When Declan was sure it was safe he ventured into the woods to find her. It didn't take long "Who were they?" Caitlyn wondered.

"Benton's men" Declan replied as he kissed the top of Caitlyn's head "But it's alright they're not a threat anymore"


Micheal had grown more and more curious, the more he watched Caitlyn and Declan together. The way they moved together, It was almost as though they were one person.

Caitlyn had removed Micheal's restraints and he was being treated like a guest rather than a prisoner. He sat beside Sanooka, one of the female Lake Walkers as they ate.

"I've never seen a couple act in that way before" Micheal broke the silence, he hoped Sanooka spoke English or at least enough to understand him.

"Kamenna says they are two hearts and one soul" Sanooka smiled "Joined for a reason to complete each other"

Micheal felt both intrigued and inspired by these words, he wondered what would happen if they were ever separated. His thoughts then wondered to his girl Clenna Dolan, the thought of her being locked up in London made him feel sick "Micheal" Caitlyn's voice broke his thoughts and he looked towards her. Caitlyn had handed Mikhoa to Kamenna.

"We are going to Fort James tomorrow, thought maybe you could check in with Benton" Caitlyn sat beside Sanooka.


Grace curiously watched as Benton and Chesterfield discussed business. She waited until Benton left before approaching Chesterfield "What was that about?"

"Mens business" Chesterfield replied coldly, much to Grace's annoyance.

"With me now Captain" She ordered before walking through the bar and into the back room "I thought we were business partners? How can I trust you when you are holding secret meetings with Benton...?"

"We weren't talking about pelts, or trade. There is a girl..." Chesterfield tried to explain himself but was cut short by Grace.

"Not Katheryn again..." Grace sighed "I thought you'd..."

"No not her, a girl from Dublin who Benton is using as leverage..." Chesterfield explained.

"Micheal Smyths sweetheart?" Grace questioned and Chesterfield nodded "The girl Benton has looked up in London...What about her?"

"Benton has sent for her" Grace sat on the chair opposite Benton as Chesterfield spoke "He is going to use her as Bait to draw Micheal out from hiding"

"Hiding? I thought you said he had been captured by Harp?" Grace wondered.

"It doesn't look that way anymore, Benton believes Harp has swayed his thoughts" Chesterfield leant forward.


Caitlyn, Micheal, Sanooka and Declan all waited in the forest on the outskirts of Fort James "So what's the plan?" Sanooka smirked as she looked at Declan and Caitlyn, Micheal realised he must have been missing the joke.

As he looked between the three of them he noticed they were all looking at him and smiling "What?" he questioned and Declan laughed a little.

"You are the plan Micheal" He patted his back, almost winding Micheal in the process.


Micheal was surprised Declan had allowed Caitlyn to wander through Fort James alone "You didn't go with her?" he questioned Declan who threw him a glare.

"She is safer alone..." Declan replied honestly "Don't let her beauty deceive you Micheal...my wife is alot of things, but a delicate flower is one not of them. She is ruthless and fierce...she can shoot a target either moving or still, with a knife, a bow or a gun..."

"But surely the two of you together...?" Micheal frowned.

"As soon as her identity is revealed She is no longer safe, Benton will put a target on her back just to draw me in" Declan continued to glance all around him, never really losing focus. It was at that moment Micheal noticed Declan hadn't taken his eye off Caitlyn, she was still in his sights.

Caitlyn took a deep breath and opened the door of the ale house, she walked towards Grace who was standing behind the bar.

"Well, Well, well if it isn't the mysterious Katheryn" Grace smirked "You do realise you have driven Captain Chesterfield mad with questions? Questions about who you are, what you are? Where you're from..."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to...I just wanted to bring you this" She handed Grace a pouch of money.

"What happened? Why did you run?" Grace asked, but Caitlyn didn't have time to reply. The doors flung open and standing in the doorway was Chesterfield. He began bellowing orders until he saw her standing near the bar.

"Katheryn?" Chesterfield walked closer.

"Hello Captain" Katheryn smiled as her heart raced in her chest, She hadn't banked on Captain Chesterfield arriving at the Ale house.


"Micheal who is that?" Declan asked when he saw the Captian walk into the Ale House.

"Chesterfield" Micheal inhaled "Bentons right hand man"

Declan's heart skipped when he heard Micheal say Bentons name. This Captain was as close to Benton as he would ever want Caityln to be.


Caitlyn stood in the back room with Chesterfield who had began pacing "I thought you had been recaptured"

"No of course not, I went home to my family" Caitlyn smiled weakly.

"Its funny because I know hardly anything about you, but yet your mystery pulls me in" Chesterfield watched as Caitlyn flinched "I find you intriguing"

"I'm nothing special" Caitlyn hesitated "But I hear you are quite something Captain. Powerful and full of potential"


"Where are we going?" Micheal quickly followed behind Declan.

"She's taking too long" Declan growled as he walked toward the Ale house. He opened the doors and scanned around. There was no sign of Caitlyn.

"CAPTAIN, CAPTAIN CHESTERFIELD" A soldier rushed into he back room "Declan Harp...hes here" The soldier gasped for breath...

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