Chapter 23

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Megan's POV




Still no answer.

Oh my god I'm gonna kill him when I get out of this damn room.

Suddenly I heard the door clicking.

"Bella?" I question.

"Hi..." she meekly answers.

"Bella get unlock me!" I rattle on the cuff.

"I can't I don't have the key! I would un-cuff you but my stupid brother has the key." She rolled her eyes.

Oooooo!!! I'm gonna-

That asshole came home and whilst I was sleeping he hand-cuffed me to the fucking bed post!!!!

And now I'm late for the boxing championship! Ian is going to have my head for this!!!!!

"Well you need to get my out some way! My match starts in an hour!!! Bella please help me." I whine in urgency.

She closes the door and looks around the room.

"There's really nothing Meg." Bella sighed and crouched down before me.

Yeah I kinda not want to sit on the bed as my arm stretched out to the bed post.

Do the floor will do.

"Oh! I know wait here!"

"No! No Bella don't leave!" I shouted after her, but she left running.

"Urgh!!!!" I groaned pulling on the hand cuff making my wrist red.

"Now this is hilarious." Turning my head I saw Mr Rodriguez smirking.

"Get. Me. Out!" I yelled. His gaze hardened and Mateo walked over.

"Is that anyway to talk to one of the most dangerous man alive!" He shouted.

Leaning back like a gangster I gave him my 'I don't really give a fuck face'.

"Yes. To you yes. Now will you so kindly." Raising my right hand the cuff clinking.

Frowning he shook his head and stood up. Reaching into his waist, Mateo flashes a gun and aims it at me.

Panic floods me but soon rest as I remembered that me and Mateo decided that he won't harm me. I mean... I am to be betrothed to Diego.

And I'm not sure if Aria would appreciate her husband killing her future daughter in law.

Right now. I put my hand up as a signal to stop.

"I need something to cover my ears."

"Nah. This is a silent gun. It might ring in your ears for a few minutes but it will disappear." He cock his head to the side and back while explaining to me.

Nodding I turn my head away from the bedpost and face the bathroom.

Mateo clicked the gun and I gasp, jumping as I felt the bullet hit the metal.

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