Chapter 9 - Uncomfortable Thoughts

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Kat was finally alone in the room. She was standing in the middle of the room and went to the door that Negan had left open to close it. In doing so, she looked over to see if he was still in the nearby but he wasn't there anymore.

Wow. I do not know what to think. First he acts as a perfect asshole threatening everyone and then becomes kind and walk me in my room as if it was nothing. I thought it was weak for me but ... If so he could have "taken advantage of it" a while ago.

She threw herself onto the bed like a dead weight and thought of what had just happened.

And if he was interested in me, he would have not spent the night with that girl in the elegant dress. It all seems so confused.

She shook her head trying to throw away those thoughts and went to sleep.

The next morning she was awakened by the noise of someone knocking at her door. It was the Savior's alarm clock.

She got up and went to the bathroom to fix herself. She had not slept so well, indeed, she had slept little and bad. Her sleep had been tormented by the thoughts of what had happened a few hours before. It was as if it had become an obsessive thought.

Instead, in his room, Negan, had just woken up. He did not have the Savior's alarm clock. He woke up whenever he wanted.
He sat on the bed and thought back to the episode of the night before.

Kat. Would have she told me the truth? Mhh I would not know: blushes often and she almost never look at me in the eyes, obviously because she is embarrassed. But with all the rooms she could get in, she ended up in my own... It doesn't come back. She should like me at least a little. This would explain a couple of things, including what happened a few days ago. Fuck. If I really liked her I would have made bingo: she is so young and delicate...
But what the fuck did it take to me yesterday? She was here, under me, I could have taken advantage of it, and what did I do? I brought her back to her room. What a dumbass I am.

Negan was puzzled. The fact that Kat could be attracted to him was flattering him and made him think about whether or not he would have to take advantage of it; in fact she was a beautiful young girl, but she missed something.

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