Chapter 10 - Sherry

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Kat was going to the laundry to start working and that fixed thinking continued to distract her. I am going crazy. I have to stop thinking about it, or I'll get crazy seriously.
But it was stronger than her and she couldn't do it. She did not know what to think.

Meanwhile she had taken wet clothes and had come out to stretch them out. Outside there was another girl. The two looked for a moment as if they had been seen somewhere before. The girl then approached Kat and said: <Hey hello, you must be the new one. I am Sherry, nice to meet you>.
Kat shook her hand and introduced herself too. She felt that she had already seen her before but she couldn't remember where. She seems nice.
After the introduction they began to talk freely about their past and how they ended up there.

<You know Kat, before we got here, or rather, before Negan I and Dwight  were together. Then we had to make a deal with him ... And I'm unfortunately the price to pay... So I'm one of her "wives">

What?! One of his wives? How many  wives has he got? This is nice!

<Sorry, one of his wives? How many oh them has he got?>

<Well, he has many. We can say he chooses how many and we just have to do what he tells us. In fact, last night he wanted me with him in his room ...>

That's where I had seen her: she was the girl with the elegant dress!

<You know, if I do what I'm said to, both me and Dwight gets benefits, and seeing that Dwight is now hurt, he has to rest. .. And Negan doesn't like it, even if it's him that shot Dwight>

Kat opened her eyes wide and realized that Sherry and Dwight were the two people screaming and being dragged out of that house by Negan. Now it all made sense.
Kat did not know what to say, and she did not even know if tell Sherry what she had just remembered or not. She decided not to do so, because she did not even know if she could trust her or not ... Even though Sherry seemed sincere.

Kat, intrigued by the "wives" story, asked for more clarifications to Sherry and listened carefully to the answer. Then Sherry paused for a moment and added, <You know, it's strange he didn't want you to be one his wife, because you're really a pretty girl. But maybe it's better like this.>
She thanked Sherry for the compliment and then, ending hanging on the latest garments, saluted and returned inside the building.

Poor Sherry, what a sad story she has. Guilty not to love the man who likes  her... Unfair life.

Meanwhile, Negan was returning to the building, and neither Kat nor Sherry realized that he had been watching them from above for the  whole time of their talk.

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