Chapter 14 - Let's Play

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The two were still seated face to face without saying a word, throwing quick glances from time to time trying not to meet the eyes of the other. Neither would have apologized, this was clear: they were both too proud and stubborn to do so.
Once he had finished eating, Negan had the dishes taken away and while he was returning to sit down, he did not return to his seat, but sat next to Kat and began to stare at her.
Kat felt his eyes on every inch of her body. Damn it, it's not possible... Here we go again: Negan and his games.

<Could you stop it?> Kat asked
<To do what?> Answered the other, pretending to be naive
<To stay there staring at me dazed>
<Well there's a reason if I'm there staring at you dazed...> he said, smiling, trying to make her uncomfortable.

Kat had figured out where Negan wanted to go. Since he likes playing with people so much, I'll play with him now then.

Kat turned slowly to him, ran her tongue over her lips and looked into his eyes and said, <Would you?>
Negan had lost a moment to observe that gesture, so Kat took the opportunity to get a little closer to him. Their faces were about ten inches from each other and she could smell Negan. She knew that such a gesture was certainly unexpected on her part and that it would put the man in a position of disadvantage, even if temporary. Since he had not yet answered, Kat leaned forward until she approached dangerously to Negan's lips, then quickly changed direction and approached his ear and whispered to him <Negan, you still haven't answered my question ...>

Negan was stuck: he did not expect such a reversal of roles.
Fuck, this girl is driving me crazy.

When Kat moved away from his ear, Negan reached out quickly and took her chin, and this time he brought his lips closer to Kat's. Then he suddenly pushed her back and made her lie down on the sofa where they were sitting and sat on top of her.

The moment that followed seemed to last forever, until Negan decided to end it by bending and kissing her with force.

Just now they realized that they actually needed that kiss: Negan could have all the women he wanted but at that moment he wanted only one and Kat had filled the loneliness that had followed her since she was alone.

After that kiss, Kat knew that Negan would have expected more but she was still not sure what she felt for him, then put a hand on his hot chest and pushed him back slightly: <Negan, wait> said rejoining <Maybe it's better if I go>

<Mmhh, are you afraid that they will discover us?> He retorted defiantly.

<No, it's just ... I do not know I've just arrived, nobody knows me, and if they see me coming out of your room, who knows what they would think>

<Doll, I do not care about what others think: I'm the boss here and so I do what I want>

<Yes, but I'm nobody here> answered Kat with a veil of sadness.

<It's not true, and you know, soon you'll be someone Kat> Negan reassured her.

<Would you take me back to my room, please?> The girl asked shyly.

<Sure little doll> and saying so he took her by the hand and walked to the door.

Negan opened and let the girl pass first, then told the men who guarded his door to go that he would come back by himself.

Kat and Negan walked through the corridor in silence, each absorbed in their thoughts: Negan was excited and teased by the fact that Kat seemed both strong but also insecure, in addition to being a beautiful girl of course. Kat, on the other hand, understood that she was physically attracted to Negan but felt insecure that he was so moody and above all older than she was.

Once in Kat's room, she opened the door and went in first. As usual, Negan leaned against the jamb and looked at her silently.
It was a scene that they both had already lived.

<Thanks Negan> Kat said, knowing that those were the words he usually wanted to hear, but this time something was different: Negan had remained motionless.

The man turned around without saying anything and locked the door.

Hey guys, first of all, Merry Christmas! 🎅🎁
Hope you're enjoying your holidays ⛄
And secondly I wanted to publish this chapter today as a gift. I do really hope you're enjoying the story so far and in this case, leave a ⭐ and comment!
Love you 💕

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