Chapter 54 - The Chasm

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Negan had finished explaining her role to Kat and she wanted to cry, but she knew she could not do it in front of him. She did not want to do it.

She waited for him to get up victorious and go away to leave a few tears free.

In the meantime in Alexandria Rick was looking for Kat and not having found her, he had gone to his house, finding that too empty. He knew that Kat would not leave without saying anything and something must have happened. He rushed back to Alexandria and after turning the house upside down and having found nothing, he had thrown himself dead on the bed, crushing the pillow.

The noise of the crumpled paper had caught his attention and, after putting his hand under the pillow, he had grabbed the letter.

Nothing was written outside. Rick opened it intrigued and eager to know if Kat was okay and what was going on.

I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye but I took advantage of the Saviours arrival to go home without being seen. I have not been honest with you and I'm sorry, but I want to fix it.
I never told you that when I went to the Sanctuary for a short time, Negan and I had a relationship. Then, by a strange series of events, I kept it in my house and looked after him while we were organizing the attack to the Sanctuary. I always knew that Negan was alive, but I did not know if he would wake up. He did it. Now I'm coming home to make sure he's still there and that the plan goes the way we organized it.
I still want to help you fight them and I will do all I can to make sure you and the kids are fine.
I wanted to have the courage to tell you in person and I'm sorry that you should find out in this way. I know this changes everything and I would be selfish to ask you not to. I hope you can understand.


Rick finished reading the letter and crumpled it in a rage. He forcefully threw it against the wall feeling betrayed and teased. Kat had hidden something too big for him: she did not know yet if it would bother him that she and Negan had had a relationship or that she had cured him while they were organizing everything. If Rick had known he would have gone to kill him on the spot, putting an end to it all. The life of one in exchange for the salvation of many. He could not believe it, he was furious, his eyes of ice injected with fire rushed across the room like arrows in search of the sheriff's pistol. Once it was found, Rick gripped it firmly and after loading it he had stopped for a moment to look at his reflection in the shiny metal: he almost did not recognize the anger that was animating him.

He left the house and knowing he could not yet go straight to the Sanctuary to seek revenge, he went out of the main gate looking for some zombie to kill with his ax to vent the rush of unrestrained rage, because with the gun would be too easy.

Michonne, although she had seen him particularly out of himself, had not followed him knowing that it was better to let him vent and come back to talk to him later.

Between a shot of accept and the other Rick was smeared with the dark blood of those monsters, screaming at them until he burnt his throats. He stopped only when he felt his arm as heavy as a boulder and his aching and scratched hand had so tightened the wooden handle of the weapon.
He sank into a tree with his eyes lost in the emptiness, dull, his mind clouded by a thousand thoughts. After a few minutes he stood up again, moved by the sight of a zombie, but instead of killing him, he passed him over and went back inside the gate.

He walked as if his soul had left him, with short, lazy steps, eyes shining and his eyes absent. None of those who saw him pass had dared to talk to him, not even Carl.

Michonne had come to him a few hours later and found him sitting on the couch with his eyes lost in the air and the pistol in his hand.

<... Rick? What's up?> she asked worriedly.

The man did not even look at her and pointed with the gun at the crumpled letter that Kat had written.

<Michonne she teased us, for all this time I trusted her and... She deceived us. Mich she has always been on his side, ALWAYS!> Said the man raising his voice.

<But on whose side Rick, I do not understand...> the woman asked, more and more afraid.

<NEGAN'S!> Rick had thundered and jumped up from the couch.

<She only used us to help that sick murderer make his dirty comfy! I let the wolf in the sheepfold Michonne, I put everyone in danger because I'm in... Give it up, leave me alone please> he said, lowering his almost defeated tone.

<I can not leave you like that Rick. It was not your fault: Kat looked like a good girl to everyone... I do not know what she wrote in that sheet but I know for sure that whatever she did, she did it in good faith. Rick she helped us a lot: she brought us some food, she gave us the plants of the Sanctuary and lots of other useful information that we can use during the attack...>

<But you do not understand: everything she has said to us will have already told him... And as usual he will now have an advantage over us... But no, not this time. Give me your radio Michonne> while she was talking to Rick a crazy idea crossed the man's mind.

<Why the radio?> Asked the woman puzzled by failing to keep up with Rick.

<Just give it to me Michonne!>

The man grabbed the radio, tuned it to the frequency common to all the communities and spoke.

<I'm Rick, listen up everyone very carefully: the attack will be tonight. Things have changed and we have to move fast. Give me confirmation that you understand and get ready to leave>.

Michonne looked at the man in disbelief and when he finished talking on the radio asked him if he was crazy and without waiting for an answer, she ran out of the house to go and warn others.

The other communities gave confirmation that they understood and would have followed Rick to the end that night.

Then everyone went to get ready and set off for the Sanctuary.


Hi guys!

Sorry, sorry and sorry again: I know I was supposed to publish this chapter ages ago...

I hope you enjoy it and leave a comment and a star.


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