Chapter 37 - Grimes

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Not many minutes had passed since Rick had gone out that even Kat had done the same.

She had found herself in front of Maggie and Michonne joking amiably, but when they noticed her, they came back serious.

<We know you've talked to Rick, and he trusts you... And we trust him> that was Michonne's way of telling her that they trusted her too now.

<Ah, and he also told us that you brought food: thank you Kat> Maggie added, smiling at her.

Now they no longer looked so threatening and Kat was happy of that. Then, after staying a few minutes with them, she took her leave for a walk in the community, meeting Carl.

<Carl!> called him.

<Hey Kat, hi! You're back, how are you doing?> Carl was friendly to her, probably because they had a few years of difference and even Kat did not mind his company.

<I'm fine thanks, you? Listen, I wanted to ask you something: would you take me for a tour of the place and show me the houses still free? Because you know... If your dad's offer was still valid... I might even think about coming here for a while>

<What? Really? Would be great! Yeah sure, come, I'll show you> Carl was enthusiastic about what the girl had just told him, but his enthusiasm had to be slowed down, at least for now.

<I'm glad you're happy Carl, but I wouldn't want to let anyone know about it yet. I wish it was our secret>

<As you prefer. I'll be a grave> the boy replied, signaling to sew his mouth, to which they both laughed.

They walked through the wide streets of Alexandria and went into some houses. They were all very beautiful but too big for one person, and Kat would have felt too guilty about taking such a big house alone. She confessed his fear to Carl, who reassured her by telling her not to worry that he would find a solution.

Struck by the boy's extreme kindness, Kat didn't think twice and instinctively embraced him.

It was a long time since she haven't hugged someone and to try again that feeling was really strange. Usually Kat was not so expansive and affectionate... But so many things had changed in the last period that she did not even know what it was she by or not.
Carl, on the other hand, had remained for a moment displaced but had then melted in her grip by returning it.

<Thanks Carl, really. I know it may not seem like that, but I really appreciate what you're doing for me> she smiled.

<We are happy to be able to help you
... Even if not everyone can show it
... For now> Carl confessed, shrugging his shoulders.

From far away a voice was heard calling Carl, to which he replied without hesitation and invited Kat to follow him.

Olivia was dealing with Judith but had to go back to work, so she called Carl to take care of his sister.

Carl liked to look after Judith, he liked to take care of people in general and was good at what he did.

Once in the house, Carl went to the kitchen to prepare a snack for Judith, leaving her sister and Kat alone in the living room.

It was too long Kat didn't have to deal with small children and didn't know how to behave: at first she had just smiled and played games, then got more confidence, had organized a little show with dolls making Judith laugh at uproariously.

When Carl came back with the dishes he was amazed to see Judith so happy and smiling, he handed a plate to Kat, thanking her.

None of the three had noticed that Rick had been watching the whole scene from outside the window and smiled tenderly as he saw his children so happy and carefree.

Once in the house, Rick went to the living room trying not to interrupt that beautiful picture, but when he was there Carl was the first to notice his presence and greeted him warmly. Kat looked up and smiled at him, still intent on playing with Judith.

Rick asked Carl to talk to him privately, taking advantage of the fact that Judith was in company, and he agreed; before turning the corner he turned to Kat, winking at her and holding up a thumb. Kat could stay calm: their secret was safe.

Hey babes! 😘
Sorry for publishing late but yesterday I totally forgot about it due to university 🙈
What do you think about the chapter? Let me know in the comments ❤

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