Chapter One

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   "Maddy! Maddy!"

   The shrill voice of Madeline's four-year-old nephew caused her to jolt awake. A child's voice was an excellent alarm clock, only problem, it's always unexpected. Madeline groggily rubbed her eyes and smiled at Jacob.

   "Hey there Jakey." She grabbed him and pulled him into bed, tickling his sides. She grinned and laughed as she heard his shrieks and giggles. Her hands came to a stop and she looked down on her panting nephew, who was still giggling. "Are your mom and dad still sleeping?"

   His little head bobbed yes and his unruly hair spilled out on the bed. She felt a pang in her heart but forced a smile onto her face. She knew she shouldn't feel this way but she was jealous of her brother, of what he had. Sebastian had a mate, a son and a daughter on the way. He was loving and carefree and happy. How she longed to have what he had, but her mate was dead along with the dreams of having a family.

   A grumbled forced Madeline out of her thoughts and she looked down at her little nephew who was blushing rosy pink. "Looks like someone is a little hungry too." She teased.

   She slid out of bed and bundled him up in her arms. She had to juggle him slightly to be able to open her bedroom and shut it behind her. Her footsteps made little noise as she walked down the hallways and stairs and into to the kitchen.

   Their cook, Lizzy, was already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for those who lived in the Pack House. Madeline set Jacob in a chair just as a plate of eggs, bacon, and a biscuit was set right in front of him. She smiled as she watched him dig in, as if he hadn't eaten in years. She giggled and took a seat beside him.

   A plate of her breakfast was plopped in front of her and she grinned. "Thank you, Lizzy," she mumbled with a mouth full of food. The woman gave her a tender smile before returning to her cooking.

   Just as Madeline was finishing up her breakfast, pack members began to file into the dining room. She sent a smile her brother's way as she saw him enter. She took her plate to the kitchen and washed it. Then she helped Lizzy serve the food, despite her protests.

   That was one of the things she disliked about being the daughter of a former Alpha and this sister of the current Alpha. No one let her do anything, because she was of "higher status" and whatnot. She thought it was silly but that didn't change anything. As she wasn't the first born and heir to the Alpha title, you'd expect that she'd have more freedom to do as she wished, but really, she was just bored. She didn't have her mate to spend time with and create a future. She just had herself.

   After having the difficult task of putting him into clothes, Madeline took Jacob's had and led him outside, to where all the other pups were. As they neared the playground, he slipped his hand out of hers and ran as fast as he could on his little legs. She smiled as she saw him be engulfed by his group of friends. Knowing that her nephew was safe, she let her eyes wonder across the territory.

   The Mystic Peak Pack was a large territory, covering over several hundred acers. In the middle of the pack was the Pack House. Unmated wolves between the ages of sixteen to twenty-five occupied most of the rooms. The Alpha of the pack and his Luna and children had their own wing in the House so not to be disturbed but still close to the vast majority of the pack. Those who have mated have their own houses scattered throughout the territory, though most stuck close to the House.

   The training grounds was an open field near the Pack House, so it's available to everyone. From the time that a wolf shifts for the first time to until their eighteenth birthday, they are required to undergo training so that they can defend themselves and others if needed. From there, a wolf can decide to continue training and be a part of the Epsilon (the warriors) or find another profession.

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