Chapter Eight

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   For most wolves, they would be overly excited on the day of their Mating Ceremony.

   For Emerson, he wished the day had never come.

   He dreaded waking up the morning of. He wanted nothing more than hide under his covers until it was all over. Alas, he could not, as his father came bursting in. He prayed something would happen, something that would prevent this mating. He prayed the fates would take pity on him.

   He did nothing but scowl as he was forced into a white button up and white pants. Shoes were not worn for whatever reason he could not remember. He hissed as his hair was styled, quite roughly, and hair sprayed.

   His father shoved some notecards into his hands.

   "I figured you wouldn't have written any vows so here. Memorize them." Benjamin left no room for argument.

   Emerson flipped through the cards, his scowling deepening by the card. "I am not saying any of this bullshit. None of this is remotely true. The Pack knows of our situation. The only ones who would buy this would be the children. And even then, maybe not all."

   Each notecard explained his "love" for Madeline, and that "despite losing their mates, I am happy I met you." All of it bullshit. None of it true. He would not read this. Madeline was here, and only here, to help glue his falling Pack together. She had no other purpose here. She would never serve another purpose here.

   Benjamin rolled his eyes. "Then you have three hours to come up with and memorize your own. But I will review over it, to make sure you haven't put anything...inappropriate in it."

   All Emerson wanted to bash his teeth in. He didn't care if Benjamin was his father. But he reigned in his anger (somewhat) and just nodded once. "Fine."

   Seeming pleased, his father walked out, leaving Emerson alone with his thoughts.


   Now he had to come up with some "acceptable" vows.

   What would he even say? "Thanks for doing this but I don't want you?" "Thanks but no thank?" "I'm doing this against my will?"

   He doubted that would go over well with his father or the Pack.

   After staring at a blank piece of paper for the past twenty minutes, he finally called in his Beta to help him.

   Brandon walked in a few minutes later, an amused expression on his face. "So you have no trouble writing speeches and speaking to the Pack, but writing vows is tripping you up?"

   Emerson scowled at his dark-skinned friend. "I wouldn't be having problems if she was my mate. Unfortunately, she died a five years ago. Or do you not remember?"

   The amusement faded away. "Of course, I remember Abigail. I always will." He sighed and pulled up a chair, sitting next to his Alpha. "What do you admire about Madeline?"


   "What do you appreciate about her?"


   "What does she inspire you to do?"


   Brandon groaned loudly. He ran a hand over his face exasperatedly. "I can't help you if you don't give me anything to work with."

   "Well, there isn't anything I like about her. She is only here for the pack. A decision that my father made, not me. I don't want her here, but I have little choice in the matter."

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