Chapter Four

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      Saying goodbye was the hardest thing she ever had to do. Her mother and father couldn't come with her, to drop her off, send her off to her new home. Her brother, Sebastian, would be with her. Only for the day. And then he would leave her in the hands of wolves she'd never met in her life.

     She had no one to blame but herself for this. She had agreed to it, for her pack and the Night Walker pack. Not for herself, not to let go and move on, but for her people.

     Madeline had been sitting in the car for an hour or two or more. She had lost count of the time, as she thought only of her family and pack she had left behind. She already missed them so much even though they had only parted not even a day ago.

      She leaned her head on her brother's shoulder and sighed sorrowfully. She turned her face so it was hiding in his shoulder. She felt his arms wrap around her shoulder and his hand brushed her hair back. Her eyes closed at the feeling.

     "You could still change your mind, if you want to." He said, even though he knew that she wouldn't.

     "And you know that I can't. I have to do this. The alternative isn't one that I will accept." She murmured against his shoulder.

     He sighed. "I know."

     He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. It only made her turn more into him and seek comfort from him. Madeline's arms wrapped around his waist. The moment they arrived at their destination, she would let go and raise her head high. But for now, she would enjoy the comforts of her brother. Perhaps for the last time.


     The stopping of the car caused Madeline's eyes to open. She raised her head off her brother's shoulder and blinked. She hadn't meant to fall asleep.

     She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, careful of her makeup, and ran her fingers through her hair to rid of any knots.

     She tilted her head to face her brother, who was smiling sadly at her. She returned the smile and kissed his cheek. She placed her hands in his and squeezed. "I'll be okay." She said softly. "I promise. And I'll call whenever I can. And I'll come and visit when I have the time."

     Sebastian said nothing. He just leaned forward and pressed his lips to her brow. He gave her one last sad look before stepping out of the vehicle.

     Deep breath in. Deep breath out. She told herself, and with that, she got out of the car.

     Her breath caught as she saw her surroundings. Her new home.

     It much different in many ways and same in the others. There were the same infrastructures. The schools, the training yards, the Pack House, the marketplace, houses along the territory. But the way they were built, the material that used, no matter that it was midday, they truly were night walkers as their pack name implied.

     The people themselves resembled those who walked the night. They all had dark hair, whether it be raven black or dark brunette. Many had skin shades of fair. Those with a tan skin color were those of the Epsilon, as they lined up at the car, others guarding the magnificent Pack House.

     The sound of giggling children caught her attention. A pack of the small little children came racing towards and past her. It made her smile, that though they were in a time of crisis, the children could still find joy. However, one of them caught her attention. More like the shiny object in his fingers caught her attention.

     Her eyes widened at the child running with scissors. She quickly took the few steps towards him and caught him in her arms before any harm could come to him. She pried the scissors from his hands before setting down the child and letting him run to join his friends.

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