Chapter Two

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   He sighed. "Their Alpha lost his mate a few years ago. Without a Luna, the pack is beginning to fall apart. The Alpha shows strength and security but there is no maternal figure to hold together the pack and keep the balance. As you have lost your mate as well, and you do show characteristics that a Luna should have, you are their top pick to be Luna. However, the choice is up to you. You can go through with this, but just say the word and I'll shut it down. Take all the time you need to decide. It's a big decision."

   Madeline sat there frozen, her eyes trained on the mahogany desk. Luna. She could be Luna. But being so meant that she had to leave this pack, her family. She has never wanted to be Luna, to be a person of power. She just wanted to be Madeline and live a simple, happy life. Only that was ripped away from her when her sweet Lucas was killed. But if she were to agree to this, she could possibly save a pack from collapsing. She could save so many and benefit her own pack in the making. Save a pack or spare her feelings. The benefit of helping them outweighed the cost.

   Finally, she lifted her eyes so that they met Sebastian's. "I'll do it."

   Her father beside her tensed and opened his mouth to speak but Sebastian cut him off. "Okay, I'll call and let them know."

   A polite dismissal.

   Madeline stood, gently pulling her devastated father up with her. Her hand continued to grip his tight as she could feel his body shaking. They walked out the door that Ezra held open for them. The door shut behind them, no doubt that the Beta needed to have a word with his Alpha about her decision.

   Madeline continued walking, past her rooms and past her fathers, until they were both in the West Wing, the Alpha's wing. She knew that her and her father would have the privacy that they needed there and that her brother wouldn't mind. She sat down on the couch with her father beside her. They sat there in silence for a moment before he spoke.

   "You don't have to do this because you feel obligated to do so." He said quietly and slowly.

   She sighed and looked down at her hands. "I'm not doing this because I have to papa, I know I don't. I'm doing this because I believe this is the right thing to do. I'm doing this because I want to help both of our packs. Besides, the Nigh Walkers are our neighbors. I can come visit you anytime."

   "It's not distance that has me worried my daughter. It's that you are going to be mated to a man that no one knows very well. A man that has kept himself isolated from all others. He has an aggressive streak to him after his mate died. I fear what he may do to you." He took both her hands and held them tight. "And what if you don't like there. If they are mean to you. If you are mated to this man there is no going back. You can't up and leave because you will be Luna."

   Now she got it. He wasn't just worried what this Alpha may do, but what she may do. He was worried that she might be triggered and have a break down or do something else irrational. He had been overprotective ever since she lost her mate. He worried about her constantly, always making sure that there was nothing that could harm her. And if she went away, he couldn't protect her. Madeline smiled at him sadly.

   "I'll be okay papa. I promise I will. And if I need anything you'll be the first to know." She promised him. It was the best she could give him. "And if they try and do anything to me, I'll show them what I'm made of."

   Her father took her in his arms and breathed deeply. It was a goodbye hug, or at least that's what it felt like. He pulled away and looked at her tenderly. Worry still laced his eyes. Madeline wasn't sure there was much she could do to lessen that worry. It would hopefully ease with time but a parent will always worry for their child.

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