Chapter Fifteen

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   Madeline was taken off guard when someone hugged her. Not someone, Casey. Her first real friend at Night Walker.

   "You have no idea how worried I've been. They wouldn't let me come see you," she blabbered. "I couldn't work, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat."

   Madeline laughed. She untangled herself from her friend. "Well I'm fine, but I'm flattered you worried."

   That earned her a smack upside the head. "You're lucky that you're okay. You could have died. You would have if they hadn't knocked out the Alpha."

   That statement caused her eyebrows to furrow. What did she mean by that? Emerson was difficult yes, but why would he need to be knocked out? She asked her thoughts Casey, who seemed surprised she asked.

   "His wolf completely took over. He wouldn't let anyone touch you. He bit one of the younger wolves and kept snapping at Doc. They had to shoot him with a low dose of Wolfsbane to knock him out. It would have been cute had you not been bleeding out. I haven't seen him that way since Abigail..."

   The former Luna. The one that died four years ago, like her Lucas.

   Madeline swallowed. "What happened to Emerson's mother? I haven't heard or seen her."

   Apparently, it was the wrong thing to ask, as Casey's facial expression grew darker. "Not here."

   Casey took her hand and led her up the Alpha's Wing. Her numerous guards followed behind and in front of them. She had tried to tell Emerson that ten guards were too much, but he wouldn't hear of it and she hadn't pressed him on the issue since.

   They stationed themselves out in the hallway and in front of the door. Two of them followed the girls in and stood with their backs to the front door. Not total privacy, but it was better than nothing.

   "Would you like something to drink?" Madeline offered. "Some wine maybe?"

   "White wine please. Riesling if you have it."

   She poured them both a glass. She handed Casey's hers. She sat down next to her and took a sip. "What happened to his mother?"

   "Twenty-seven years ago, Rogues had attacked the Pack. they had more numbers than we had anticipated. We were overwhelmed. We had sent wolves to other Packs, to beg for help, but we had no way of knowing if they had made it or if they had been killed before getting across the Border.

   "Benjamin had tried everything to protect his mate, who was very much pregnant. He tried, but she got caught in the middle of it all. She was wounded, badly. It would have been impossible to save her." She bowed her head. "They managed to save the baby. A beautiful, healthy boy. And he is only alive today because the Mystic Peak Pack arrived in time. They slaughtered the Rogues and brought in one of their own doctors to deliver the Alpha."

   Casey had drained her wine in one gulp, but Madeline hadn't touched hers since that first sip. She hadn't done anything but listen. Finally, she opened her mouth, "Is that why Benjamin is...well..."

   She nodded. "He was never the same since that day."

   "It must have been hard for him to see his son go through the same thing." Madeline commented.

   She had expected Casey to nod and agree with her, but she hesitated instead. "The Alpha and his father's relationship is...strained. It always has been, but even more so since the death of Abigail."

   "How so?"

   She shook her head. "I know you're curious, but somethings are better left alone. And that, Madeline, is one of them. Bad things will happen if you meddle."

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