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 They say her laughter used to fill the halls. They say her smile could light up any room. They say she could bring joy to even the most miserable. They say... they say...

   That was until they found her, her little body bruised and bleeding, they stench of what had been done to her pungent in the air. She was never the same after that.

   She shut herself off, caging herself within her room. She never left unless absolutely necessary. She only shifted when her body forced her too. Her skin grew pale and her eyes lost all life in them.

   Desperate for a change, her parents made the decision to send Serena off to summer camp with her older brother Noah. She would have no choice but to interact with others her own age. Her parents had done all they could to help her, it was time to let someone else for a change.

Skylar might just very well be the boy to help her, if Serena would let him in.



Here the description for the sequel. This book is going to focus primarily on Serena, Madeline's and Emerson's youngest child.

All that I'm going to tell is that it's going to be emotional and it's going to take a lot of time for Serena. That will make sense once we get further into the book. 

TW guys, it will cover darka dn mature themes.

The Prologue is posted if you want to head on over there and save The Summer Camp to your library.

Hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed this one.

Love you guys. 

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