Chapter Twenty-Eight

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   Madeline released a soft sigh as hands caressed her back. She tilted her head up and lips captured hers.

   "It's time to go," Emerson murmured.

   "You can wait a few more minutes, can't you?"

   "I can't put it off any longer. I have to go." He pulled away from her and got out of bed. He walked to the closet and dressed, covering his nakedness.

   The two of them had spent their last night in each other's arms, making love to each other. They only stopped to catch their breaths. There had been more than once that Madeline had burst into tears. Her mate just kissed her tears away and murmured such sweet things to her. It was only when the sun had started to rise that they were content with laying in beside one another. She had taken her time trying to memorize every bit of him.

   "Are you just going to stare all day or are you going to get ready?" Emerson asked, amused.

   She scowled. "No, I'm using my magical powers to take off your clothes."

   He snorted and walked back to her side. He sat down on the bed next to her. He reached out a hand and brushed back her unruly hair. She sighed and leaned into his calloused hand. Her eyes were starting to water again but she blinked them away. He kissed the top of her head.

   "Get dressed. Unless you don't want to see us off," he said.

   She shook her head and got out of bed. "I'm getting ready. I'm not going to waste a second of the time I still have with you."

   She walked to the closet with nothing but her skin. She heard Emerson's groan and she smirked. She loved the effect she had on him. She changed quickly then went to the bathroom to take care of her hair. It was easiest to just throw it up in a ponytail then to attempt to do anything else with it.

   Madeline turned to the doorway and there her mate was, leaning against the doorway, staring at her. "Come here."

   She crossed the couple feet to him and he took her in her arms. She hid her face in his chest. Her fists clutched his shirt. She didn't want to let him go, she didn't want him to go. He squeezed her then took a small step back.

   "Come on." He held her hand out to her and she took it.

   The Alpha led his Luna down the stair and to the square where their Pack was gathered and waiting for them. They walked onto the platform and faced their Pack. They stood together, hand in hand. The two of them presented a unified front. They wouldn't let anyone beat them down.

   "Today we say goodbye to our loved ones as they go and fight for us." Madeline's hand was trembling as she spoke. Her mate gave her a small squeeze. "They are going to war, to stop a wolf and his army from harming any more of us. They are going to give everything they can to stop them, and they will stop them. It's going to be hard. There's no telling how long they are going to be away. But every day they are away, they will be fighting hard to get back to us. They will come back to us. And when they do, we will be waiting here for them."

   There was cheering and applause, though most of it was fake. They all knew the danger their loved ones were heading too. They knew that all of them would be returning if any did. There was still a possibility that they could lose everything.

   She tilted her head up and Emerson brushed his lips along her temple for a small moment. He offered her a small smile then his face became hard as he faced his Pack.

   "Epsilon, we are about to face a dangerous enemy. Rogues can be feral but they are unpredictable and not to be underestimated. They will push us in ways that you can't even imagine. Your skills will be put to the test. If you think the last war was hard, this is going to be ten times worse. You may think that you can run from this but you can't. There is nowhere you can go that they won't catch you. Our best option is to face them, united. Only then, will we stand a chance. Only then, we can win." The Epsilon raised their fists and cheered. "Say goodbye to your loved ones. We leave in ten."

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