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Abid's Pov (Present)

I am at Delhi airport waiting for my car.Its been four years. I left my family, my home, my city, my country. Just for one person, because I don't want to face her. The pain that I felt when I saw her with someone else is still fresh in my heart. Its suffocating and unbearable.

May be She is married now and having beautiful Children.

My stupid inner voice. Its always think against me, but the pain to see her as a wife of other.

No..noo..I don't want to think that.

I stood from my place to take a round of the airport and to dismissed my thoughts.I really didn't want to come back, but yesterday when I was studying a report in my study room, my phone rings.Its from my Dad. I pick it up.

Me : Assamualaikum Dad, how are you..??

Dad : Walaikumusalam, my son. I am good. How are you..??

Me : I am good, Dad. How's Afiya..?

Dad :Ya..She is also good.Well, I call you to inform you that I book your tickets of returning for tomorrow. So pack your bags.

I was shocked.

Me : But Suddenly, Is everything alright, Dad...??

Dad :Son, everything is fine. Now just start packing your bags because your flight is at 7 am in the morning.

Me : But why Dad. I told you already I don't want to come India ever.So please don't start this again.

Dad : Stop your nonsense. I already booked your ticket and you are coming tomorrow. Its final.

I know what he want. He wants me to come there to marry the girl he chooses for me.But I don't want to marry.

Me : No. I am sorry Dad but i will not come.

Dad : I am not asking your permission.I said you will come and you will have to come.

Me : But I don't want to come.

My voice raise this time. I am not in that state to come back there and face everything, specially her with some one else.Dad doesn't say anything and I felt ashamed on myself.

Me : I am sorry, Dad. Its just..!!

Dad : If you will not come tomorrow, then there is no need to come on my funeral also.

With that he disconnect the call.
My father is my only family. He is my strength. He support me when I am down. I never want to upset him.

Why is the driver still not here??

My phone rings and I pick up the call instantly.

"Assalamualaikum bhai. Where are you. Your phone was unreachable."

"Walaikumsalam, I am at the airport."

"Which airport??"


"Seriously ...you .."

"Ya...I am here."

"You don't know Dad will be so happy to see you."

"I know."

I am still feeling shameful for my behavior with him and his lasts words are still echoing in my ear.

"Well, you bought that dress which I tell you to buy."


I forgot. She will kill me if she knows. I don't know why she want that dress so badly.

"Ya...how could I forget."
I lied.

"Thank god.Now come fast, I want to see it."
She said excitedly.

"okhh... I am coming."

I cut the call and take a cab as I don't know when my driver will arrive. I told the cab driver to take me to the Infiniti mall.

I call my driver and told him to reach the mall.

I bought lots of dresses for her as compensation. I hope she understands.

My driver also reached to the mall and we headed towards the house.

As I reached home, I fought back my every emotion. I directly went to my Dad room first. He is sitting on his arm chair, eyes closed.I slowly reach to him and put my palm on his closed eyes and he instantly smiled and said.

"Welcome back home, my son."

As I hear his voice. I lost control on my emotions. I hugged him tightly and he also hug me and cares my head from his hand. I really miss him.

"I miss you dad.I misss you soo much and I am really sorry for yesterday."

"Itss okhh,my son.I am glad you returned."

He said. I can feel his happiness in his smile. After that I met Afiya and we all had our lunch together.

After lunch, I hand over her all the dresses and told her the truth.I thought she must be angry with me but she thanks me for all the dresses, I bought for her.

I think my little sister is not so little anymore.

I am going to take some rest, when Dad told me that we have to attend a party tonight. I am not in the mood to attend any party, but I still agree as I don't want to hurt him again.

After taking short but good sleep of 2 hours. I take a shower and open my cupboard to take out a suit for the evening. Someone knock on the door.

"Come in.!!"

"Sir, this dress is send by bade sahab(master) he wants you to wear this."

I nodded. He put the dress on the bed and left.

I wear it, comb my hair. Spray some Itr(perfume) and wear my watch. Then I take a look at myself in the mirror.The dress is the three piece attire in royal blue coat with white chinos.

The dress is the three piece attire in royal blue coat with white chinos

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I am ready. but I can felt that something is not right.Firstly Dad wants me here on such a short notice. Then this sudden party.

I am sure he wants me to meet a girl, who he chooses for me.But I don't want to get married.I am not ready for all this.

Ohh really...don't be shy man.I know you are still waiting for her.

No, I never wait for her.She is happy with someone else and I am also happy in my life.

Ohh its that so...!!

Of course is it. I said to my inner voice confidently to build up my self esteem.

okhh...Then marry the girl whom your father chooses for you.

And my heart sinks at that thought.

I am telling you, you still wait for her.

Noo...I am not waiting for anyone. Itss enough now. I will meet that girl who Dad chooses for me. I said with determination.

Lets see...!!


Thank you for reading.

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