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Few months ago,

It's only us, Me and Ara. She is my bestie/best friend and I'm her's, yeah that's what I thought until I realized how fool I was.

Of course Ara from rich family and she hates college but still coming to college only sake of her parents.They wants her to be one of the top student but guess what she dislikes studying.They asked my help to teach her cause I'm good at academy,also her best friend.I agreed,who wouldn't? Ara usually came to my hostel,where I staying alone or sometimes I visit her home for study together.

One fine day,I got a new roommate. Name Soo,she's so cute,funny,weird,and my classmate.I introduced her to Ara,at first Ara didn't likes Soo but in the end we three become close friends.We used to spend time together but most of the time me and Soo,cause she's my roommate + best friend.

Out of the blue, one day Ara asked me to move to her house.She wanted me to teach her at her home.Of course I refused at first because of Soo,I worried she will be alone if I moves with Ara but Soo didn't say anything,she let me stays at Ara's home and I agree because I can't fight with Ara. She's stubborn.Ara is good but sometimes she acts weird.She's lovely but sometimes she can be mean. Soo and Ara mostly ends with arguments and I'm in the middle tries to calm down them.





Our first day music class,

We're not from music department but it's one of our subject. We can't skip it, must join the music department students and that's where I saw him at first.

"Aww....I'm sure this class gonna be fun!", Soo mumbled at me.

"How?", I confused.

"Look at the boys. OMG! There are lots of boys and they'll so freaking handsome! Dammit my not so innocent eyes!", 

I smiled and shook my head,Soo is such flirtatious still nervous to ask them out and Ara is opposite to Soo, she's brave but never or ever looked at any guys. She likes guys but so rare to talk with them, maybe shy?

"Don't worry they're not into you", 

Yeah,I guess I told you before, Ara's mean person. Soo's smile gone.


She rolled her eyes when I glared at her.

"I'm sorry, Toffee",

Soo still looks a bit upset. I pats her arm and smiled at her.

"Hey..She didn't mean it,forgive her,hmm?",

She pouts but nods at me. I smiled,hold her hand.

"Attention guys and girls", 

Someone one said as we three turned our attention on him. He's tall and so handsome,and oh! His dimples,I love it.

"Welcome to our Music department.My name Kim Namjoon,you can call me Namjoon or Joon and I'm the leader of the Music department.I'm really glad that all of u joins our department.So lemme clear with the rules and regulation.First of all you guys need to show us ur hidden talents and then I will divide u guys into a group. Ok? And our Music department students will lead u guys.Clear?", He said and we nods to him.

He smiled again.

"Wow...So he is the leader and oh my his dimples are so cute! I should ask his number before we left",

Stay With Me (KTH X Reader X PJM)✔️Reword Version 2023Where stories live. Discover now