I Want You To Notice

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I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special- Radiohead

Aberdeen's a pretty small town. Everyone seem's to know each other. And most importantly everyone seems to be exactly the same. What do you expect? It's just your typical suburban American town. Nothing new, nothing outrageous, and nothing too outlandish. It's just there. Kinda like me.

I've never really stepped outside my comfort zone before. This is mostly notable with my interactions with other people. I was always glanced over in life. I played classical music, got good grades, but otherwise I didn't really do anything spectacular with my life. I was usually very shy and introverted. I never really spoke out, and no one seem to care. I was just another body in the room.

It wasn't until I met him that I started to feel present or even noticeable in life. IT was strange for me. His ocean blue eyes seemed to be entranced in mine ,and his attitude towards me wasn't shallow like it typically is with other people. I was surprised at first. No one typically gave me the time of day or even acknowledged me, but he did. I felt special for once in my life.

If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be nearly as happy as I am now. Despite how detached and awkward I act on the outside I couldn't feel giddier and more excitable on the inside. I couldn't be me without him, and I want to believe that he couldn't be him without me, even though I knew better.

My day changed when he said these special words to me.

 "Have you ever heard of The Ramones?"

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