No Alarms and No Surprises

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Such a pretty house
And such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please - Radiohead

We went to visit my mom that day. You always could sense how uncomfortable I was around her, but you never exactly knew what was wrong with me. I loved you, and I still do , but feel uncomfortable admitting what she did to me out loud. If I do it would mean that it actually happened. I was in denial, and I believe I still might be, but I knew that you knew that our mother daughter relationship wasn't a normal.

When we pulled up to the old house that I dubbed hell it looked like any other house on the block. It looked like a normal family inhabited it , it looked like love was in the house, and it looked like a loving and nonabrasive and an un abusive parental figure lived in there. I think that that is what scared me the most. It looked like a normal house and not one of a pedophile and rapist . 

When we got closer to her property I began to grip your hand harder than I ever had in my life. You could see the fear evident only face. You could also see the sweat pouring from out of my pores drenching my skin in the process. I began to shake all over and hyperventilate. I chuckled uneasily to myself. 'We're not even out of the car yet, you dumb bitch.' I thought aloud.

As if on question you tightly wrapped your arms around and laid your head on top of my own. You began murmuring only sweet nothings into my ear in an attempt to calm myself. When all else faded away you were the only one that stayed by my side. 

"Clarisse," you whispered gently.

"What?" I whimpered out croaking a bit.

"We don't have to go inside of her house. We can just go back home if you want. No one is forcing you to do this." You stated petting my hair softly.

I knew you were right. You always were. But the minuscule amount of my pride forced me and willed me to confront her. 'I need to show her that she hasn't completely clipped my wings.' I thought to myself. My wings were wounded and in a sense they still are, but you came to help me fly away. I sighed softly. Just wanting to get this over with.

"I need to do this for myself, Kurt. I won't feel secure with myself until I do."

You nodded slightly understanding my predicament. You began to run your hand loosely through the knots and tangles in my hair.

"Okay, Clarisse. Just remember you're my girl. I won't let that pig touch you again. Not over my dead body."

I sniffled slightly as you finished your sentence hugging you back tightly. Afterwards, we slowly made our way out of the car. While we were walking up the pavement towards her house the feeling of dread couldn't have been more evident and more present than in this very moment. It went straight down into the pit of my stomach , settled, and latched onto my very being. I wouldn't let her know that she crushed me, however. If I did that would mean that I lost.

My hand gripped onto the knob to find that it was open. When we walked inside I had found her by the counter leaning off to the side smoking a cigarette. She hadn't changed one bit. Other than the grey hairs invading her naturally brown hair I couldn't tell the difference between her now, and between her all those years ago.

She caught sight of us. I guess the sound of the door opening alerted her to us. Her eyes widened for a semi second when she saw our figures at the doorway of her house. She smirked slightly. It was the same one that she would give me all those nights before.

"So you decided to finally drop by and give me a visit, huh." She questioned snidely sending shivers down my spine.

As my eyes met her own cold ones I felt myself audibly gulp in fear and uncertainty. 

"Yes," I stated with a slight bass in my voice that was never there before. "This is Kurt, my husband." I stated proudly.

"Huh?" , she said almost unimpressed, "I never thought a man in their right mind would want soiled goods. But to each their own I guess right?" She continued to chuckle. This irked me more than I could've ever imagine. I didn't even know what I said next until mother reiterated it for me. It was like my body and my mind weren't one and were just speaking for themselves.

"You're what now?" She now looked towards the both of guys angrily. "I'm fine with you marrying this faggot, but you're going to stop funding me? Excuse me?" She asked with an authoritative and menacing tone.

"You don't control me anymore!" I yelled out. "You can't tell me what to do anymore. You're a sick and manipulative cunt! You're lucky I didn't call CPS on you, or better yet the cops!"

She began to laugh more hysterically this time. "Listen honey, I say this to you as soon who is looking out for your best interests. Do you really think that the cops will believe some delusional young girl on more medications than she could count, or her care giver who did nothing but give her the best life had to offer while she was under her roof? It doesn't matter what I did. It only matters what they will believe. And at this point your chances on me being thrown behind bars are close to none."

I began to shake this time. My fear boiling over and turning into nothing, but anger and hatred directed only towards this woman in the room with us.

"Maybe your right. But at least I won't be giving you money to support your wretched self! With no money you can finally rot and die off from this world! You monster! You fiend!"

As I finished my sentence she began to walk over to me, reminding me of the monster man I saw in her for the last twenty-one years of my life. I began to shrivel underneath her gaze as her right hand raised in an upward motion in the air and almost in slow-motion began moving downwards towards my face. I closed my eyes expecting the collision, but nothing came. 

When I opened my eyes almost hesitantly I saw Kurt's hand clamped down over my mothers. She struggled underneath his strength as she tried to move, but he wouldn't budge or let go.

"You are to leave her alone. She's not yours anymore." She nodded her head frantically almost like a dog as he relinquished his grip on her hand. Once he let go she backed away from us Kurt gently dragged me towards the door leaving her shell-shocked and stunned on the living room floor.

Once we got outside of that hellhole he the wrapped his arms around me , and enveloped me in a warm, comforting, and inviting hug. "You were so brave in there, Clarisse. It's over now."

I nodded as I breathed in your scent. I couldn't agree anymore with you. Maybe I'll be able to live my life freely now. With you and only you by my side. My outer scars may never heal up, but my internal ones did thanks to you and you alone.

A/N: Sorry again for the sad fucking chapter. Just like the last one it's a bummer. But 1) I needed to fully explain her background without having her seem too much like a Mary Sue. And 2) This part is somewhat based off of my life. So this isn't me fetishizing rape of anything of the sort. And I swear this time not to make another sad chapter. Also I am well aware that I am drowning all of these chapters in either Radiohead or Joji Miller music. I'm sorry I'll work on that as well.

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