Laughing in the Rain

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Singing in the sunshine, laughing in the rain
Hitting on the moonshine, rocking in the grain
Got no time to pack my bags, my foots outside the door
I got a date, I can't be late, for the high hopes hailla ball, uh uh, uh uh, yeah- Led Zeppelin

The week just flew by in all honesty. Nothing really happened. We were introduced to our teachers, got homework, and were greatly 'encouraged' to join some clubs this year. Nothing out of the usual. But all that week I was just waiting to go out to the record store with you. 

I was excited to say the least. I really was. Despite my lack luster expressions I couldn't wait. I even told him that several times, but being excessively emotional or at least outwardly emotional never helped me. Even if it did I repressed it so much to the point that even smiling became a chore for me.

On Thursday night at the dinner table I told my mother that I was going out to the record store with a new friend of mine. I told her it wasn't anything special so I could just wear my regular clothes, but she refused. I suddenly had to get all preppy and beautiful for our outing because it's the lady-like thing to do. She insisted I'd look the part for our outing. 

I had on sticky red lipstick, a pink and white short flowering dress that revealed more of my body than I wanted it to, and some heels that made my feet ache. I always simultaneously enjoyed and regretted that day. I looked like some five dollar crack whore, yet when you came to pick me up you didn't care. I was just Clarisse to you. You didn't care what I put on. You just cared that I came.

In the record store you introduced me to so many new bands and artists. I knew none of them yet you were still happy to be around me despite me not knowing anything about what you liked. You told me that I should start out with Led Zeppelin.

"I think you would like Led Zeppelin." you stated this while handing me one of the vinyls on the rack.

I took it from your grasp and looked at it for a while. "House of the Holy?" I questioned aloud softly. 

You saw my puzzled expression and couldn't help, but laugh at my confusion. You softly patted my head like I was a small child.

"Just try it.", you pleaded, "If you don't like it I'll listen to one of your records." 

I conceded with a nod of the head and we went to the cashier to pay for the record.

Afterwards we began to leave the record store, but it began to rain. I said I guess it was time to go home, but you insisted that we'd stay out.

"We'd be wasting the day if I just took you home now." 

I sighed and concede again, knowing that I couldn't turn you down. You dragged me towards the local park, and it was the most fun that I had in my life. For the first time in forever I wasn't worried about school, practicing, or my home life. I was genuinely happy, and you made me like that! You made me so happy! I never felt so alive in my life. We ran around without our shoes (loosing them in the process), danced wildly in the rain, and sang obnoxiously. Our clothes were drenched and soaked in rain water, but I didn't care. I didn't care about the stupid dress that my mom forced me into wearing I just cared that I was with you and I cherished every  moment of it.

I think you could notice that too, couldn't you?

Of course after a while it was getting late so you dropped me off at my house we waved each other goodbye, but as soon as you left my happiness did as well. I was left alone with her again. She yelled and ranted for at least an hour and a half lecturing me on how undisciplined you are, how uncivilized you were compared to me, how dirty I looked, and how you would just bring me down. Back then I cared, but now I know that was idiotic of me. Without you in my life I would be miserable you make me happy, you make me me.

After she was done yelling I went up to my room and turned on the record you bought me. I couldn't believe back then, and I still kinda can't believe it now. I loved that record. It's funny how that one record drew us so close together and bought me out of my shell. That plastic disc with music on it not only made me blossom into the person I am today, but it lead to our relationship blossoming in the process.

To this day I still don't know which I should worship, cherish, and love more, the record or you!

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