Why You Gotta Act So Nice?

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Why you gotta act so nice
This ain't televised
This ain't televised
This ain't televised
Movin' at the speed of light
And I'm terrified
Yeah I'm terrified
So please for the love of God
Don't drench me - Joji Miller

School is just started back up in Aberdeen,Washington. What was there to say? My summer sucked, these people sucked, and school is going to suck. I woke up that morning in my bland white room to see the sunlight crashing in through my window. I lazily got out of bed to put on a white dress top and some suit pants. It was a basic , bland, and boring outfit just like me.

As I made my way downstairs I saw my mother reading the daily news paper and drinking some coffee. When she heard my footstep she looked up towards me and eyed me for what seemed to be several minutes.

"What are you standing around for? Your breakfast is on the table." she grumbled this out to me halfheartedly.

I made my way towards the table, and plopped down uninterested at the food towards me. 'I better eat it.' I thought to myself. 'It's bad enough I am only guaranteed one meal a day. I don't want her beating the living shit out of me before I go to school.' I cut into the burnt food as I tried to stomach all of it without accidentally showing up in front of her.

After what seemed like a millennial I finished my breakfast I picked up my backpack and made my way towards the door. I said I'd see my mother this afternoon, to have a good day at work, and whatnot, but I couldn't really care less. My brain was going to be on autopilot for the entirety of today like it usually is.

When I made my way into the school nothing seemed different from last year. The boys were all talking about 'smashing some pussy', the girls were all shallow and were discussing the new Madonna album that apparently just came out, while I on the other hand was just stumbling my way towards class just ready to get this day over with. It wasn't worth my energy anyway.

Classes seemed to drone on and on like they usually do until we had our half our break for lunch. I sat in the back of the cafeteria with my head hung low and my eyes in a book. This was my usual routine. I had no companions , so this was the only thing I could hope to find solace in. 

That was when I met him. A kid with dirty blond hair in a bowl like cut, ocean blue eyes, and in an AC-DC shirt approached me. He sat down next to me with his lunch and mumbled out "Have you ever heard of The Ramones?" 

I was obviously in shock as stupid as that sounds. No one had asked me a question before, let alone talk to me. 

"I'm sorry are you talking to me?" I questioned in a gloomy manner.

"There is no one else here, but you. I'm not talking to the air." he chuckled lightly.

I couldn't help but chuckle too. "No, I haven't. Have you heard of Antonio Vivaldi?" I questioned back."No I haven't."

We sat in uncomfortable silence for quite a bit. Neither of us opened our mouths to speak not knowing what to say to each other. It was kinda blatantly obvious that we are very different ,at least when it comes to our music preferences.

Finally he gained the courage to talk to me again. "Hey we should go to the record store sometime." 

I snapped my head around to him to make sure I heard him correctly. We just met he didn't even know my name!

"Are you sure?" I began to stutter out in a hushed tone. "We just met. You barely even know me let alone know my name." He stared back at me with those blue eyes that I would later learn to love.

He smiled towards me. "Yeah why not! I don't care. We can get to know more about each other when we go to the record store together right?"

I blushed in shyness and embarrassment. I never have been invited out anywhere before this was so amazing and new to me I din't know how to react.

"Sure." I responded timidly.

He did nothing, but smile at me quite bashfully as I looked him in his eyes. "Cool we can go after school on Friday. Does that seem good with you?" I nodded my head almost immediately as the school bell began to ring again; signally lunch was over. He began to walk away to his next class until I pulled him away for a second.

"Wait!" I called out, "You didn't tell me your name what is it?" 

"Kurt.", he said almost as shyly as I did, "What's your name?"

"Clarisse." I said in an exasperated tone.

"Well I guess I'll see you on Friday, Clarisse." he smiled slightly.

"I'll see you then."

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