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Beautiful cover made by @_NEEonBlue_

I wake up to a body scooting out from under me. I open my eyes just as Xavier got off the bed, and I yawn. He turns and faces me. "Morning."

"Morning. Where are you going?" I ask.

"Home," he says.

I look at the clock. "Xavier, it's only six thirty," I reply.

"I can't sleep. In fact, I couldn't sleep the entire night. Mom kept screaming," he says.

"I'm sorry," I say, sitting up.

He waves me off, and I can tell he's angry. Why? I have no clue. "It's fine. I'll see you at school," He says, leaving without another word.

I sigh then get out of bed myself. I pick out some school clothes and change then head into the bathroom to finish getting ready. When I open the door and head back to my room, I see that it is only seven fifteen. I shake my head, grab my bag and phone, and make my way downstairs. Kyle and Mom are already up.

"Hey," I greet, making myself a bowl of cereal.

"Hey, what was Xavier doing here?" Mom questions.

"Spending the night. I wasn't feeling well last night," I reply.

She sighs, "Honey, I know he's your best friend, but I don't think a guy spending the night is the best thing for you."

I freeze. "Mom, it wasn't like that," I say.

"I know. I'm just looking out for you-"

"Mom, I don't like Xavier like that. I was upset about Ridge, and I asked him to stay. That's it."

"Next time ask me," she replies.

I nod. "Okay, it won't happen again," I snap, anger building up inside me. I don't know why I am so angry, but I am. Mom sets her lips in a firm line, nodding once

We don't speak until Emma comes to pick me up for school. I say goodbye and head out. "What's wrong?" Emma asks as I got in.

"Mom didn't approve of Xavier spending the night," I reply.

Emma's head snaps toward me. "Xavier spent the night?" she asks.

I lean my head against the window. "Yeah. I was upset last night, and for some reason, I asked him to stay."

"Where is he?"

"Home. He couldn't sleep last night. He left angry," I reply.

Emma sighs, "Why was he angry?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore," I reply then rub my hands over my face.

Emma rubs my shoulder when she comes to a red light. "It's more than just your mom, isn't it?" Emma asks.

I nod then begin to cry, placing my hand over my mouth. Emma lets go because the light turns green. She pulls into the school's parking lot and puts the car in park before turning it off. She turns to me. "Talk to me, babe."

I throw my hands up. "Last night everything came crashing down. Everything is happening so fast. First, Ridge then Mom came home. A few days ago Mom told me she has PTSD and depression. For those few short days, I didn't think about Ridge. Then, last night it just hit me. I was just a dare," I cry.

I take my sleeve and wipe under my eyes, and force a humorless laugh, "Maybe I'm overreacting. I mean, honestly, I should've known the first time we really kissed. Not when I slapped him, but the time after that. I wasn't special; I'm just a nerd who happens to be the invisible sister of Nathan, Nick, and Kyle. That's all I'll ever be."

"Hey, look at me," she says sternly. I turn my head toward her. She grabs my chin. "Braelyn, you're way more than that. You're worth way more than that. Ridge and Jared were idiots, and I know they realized how bad they messed up when you left them. You're beautiful, smart, funny, crazy, amazing. I could go on for days. You're my best friend, Braelyn, and Marcus, Xavier, your brothers, Mom, and I know that you're special. You have a big heart, and you love like there's no tomorrow. That's what makes you special."

I smile and hug her. "Thank you, Em. I love you," I say.

"I love you, too. Should we go in there, or should we ditch?" she asks when I pull away.

I laugh, wiping my face. "We should go in there. Mom would kill me."

She smiles. "Okay," she says, and we get out of the car. I wipe my face one last time, and we make our way inside.

Marcus and Xavier wait for us by my locker, and I force a smile. "Hey, guys," I say.

Marcus opens his mouth to speak, but he looks at my face. "Are you okay?" he asks then his face hardens. "Did Ridge bother you?"

I shake my head. "No, I'm fine, really."

Marcus narrows his eyes, studying me, before nodding. "Okay, just let me know if he does, and I'll get him."

I hug him. "Thanks, Marcus," I say when I let go.

Marcus seems taken back by my gesture before regaining his composure. "Emma, did you see that? I think she's sick. She hugged me," He says.

I roll my eyes before laughing. Xavier nudges me. "I'm sorry about this morning."

"It's fine. Thanks for staying."

He smiles. "Anytime."
"Braelyn!" a familiar voice calls, making me clench my fists. "Braelyn, please, stop!"

In another universe, I keep walking, but in this one, I stop. Ridge walks around me before coming to a stop in front of me. "Hey," he says.

"What do you want?" I ask, not meeting his eyes.

He sighs, grabs my hand, and places an envelope in it before I could pull away. "You may not want them, but Kyle gave me the chip before we left Saturday. I got them developed. I got my copies, and these are yours. The chip is in there, too."

"Thanks," I say, placing the thick envelope into my backpack.

"Braelyn, I'm sorry," he says desperately.

I finally get the courage to look into his eyes. "You should've thought about that before you accepted the dare, Ridge," I say, "I got to go. Emma is waiting. Just leave me alone, okay?"

I push past him, but I stop when he asks, "Dis you mean what you said at prom?"

I don't turn. "Which part?" I ask.

"That you wish you never met me, and that you hate me?" He asks.
(A/N: I added this part into chapter 35 when I wrote this chapter. She tells him that she hates him right after she tells him that she wishes she never met him.)

"I don't hate you; I was mad, so I said it. I've never hated anyone, I all ready told you that. However, I do wish I never met you. Maybe my life wouldn't be so messed up right now," I say quietly. Luckily, no one is around to hear that since classes let out thirty minutes ago.

Tears form in my eyes, and when he doesn't say anything, I walk away. No, I don't hate him; I still love him, but I am not getting my heart broken again by getting back with him.

Like the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

I am not going to get fooled twice by Ridge. I will not get my heart broken a third time.

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