Chapter 1, Part 2: Penny's POV

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"I don't need a map, guys," I told my brothers last night when they offered to get one for me. "I've been living on campus for like, ever. I'm pretty sure I know my way around."

Fast forward twelve hours, what was I thinking? Yeah I lived in my oldest three brothers' house for years ever since I was little, and yeah their house is on the Willow Academy campus, but this was my first year actually going to school here. I'd never really been in the school buildings themselves, other than when my brothers had to run back into their classrooms once or twice to get something and I had to go with them. So what did my lack of knowledge of the campus grounds get me? Not being able to find my first class, which started in ... two minutes!

As the warning bell rang, all I could think about was the fact that I was gonna be late. This was not how I wanted to start my first day at Willow Academy. I was just trying not to screw up ... at least not too badly, because then I'd have to move back into the house with my brothers. Yeah, no thanks.

I definitely wasn't the only confused freshman who was running around here trying to find their first class, which was comforting. But I did see quite a few kids with maps ... not gonna lie, I was jealous. I then noticed a girl standing on the side of the hallway, frantically examining her map.

"Excuse me," I asked the girl as I approached her. "Do you mind if I look at your map with you?"

"Go for it," the girl said and she happily let me look over her shoulder. "You a freshman?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Yep. What room are you looking for?"

"N307 ..." I found it on the map. "Which is nowhere near here ... great."

"Geometry?" the girl asked. I nodded. "That's where I'm heading too."

I smiled as the hallelujah chorus played in my head. "Sweet, so then we can walk there together."

"Cool." The girl looked at down at her map. "You're right, it is nowhere near here."

"We better get going if we even wanna have a chance of not being late," I told her as I started walking in the direction of the staircase.

"You're right," she said following right behind. "I hear the teachers here are really strict about being late."

"Yeah well, hopefully they'll be a little more understanding since it's our first day here," I told her as we squeezed our way through the crowd of kids and made our way up the staircase. "I'm Penny by the way."

"Caroline," the girl said.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

Suddenly the late bell rang. "Damn it!" I said.

"Well, at least we tried," Caroline said as she slowed down a bit once we reached the second floor. Apparently she wasn't really in shape for running up stairs.

"Don't slow down now, we're almost there," I told her as I turned and noticed she'd come to a complete stop on one of the steps.

"Just give me a sec," she said.

I went down a few steps and grab her arm to encourage her. "C'mon, we've come this far. I'm not gonna leave you behind."

Caroline picked up the pace once I was helping her. By the time we got to the third floor, she was back to jogging on her own. After we figured out which way the room numbers were going (we starting going the wrong way (or well, the long way) at first, and then we noticed that the numbers were going down, starting at N322), we ran to N307.

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