Chapter 6, Part 1: Owen's POV

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Thank God Cooper's such a softy. I don't know how much longer I could have retained what little of my dignity remained after my waterworks began. To dumb it down, I had basically lost my man card the second I started sobbing.

I felt a few more swats to my "bruised and abused" bum, and then a piece of leather clattered to the dirty floor. The sound echoed slightly in the small room, along with my sobs. A hand slowly rubbed my back, effectively calming my hitching breaths.

Thankfully, I was able to hone in my wails fairly quickly, so that by the time I was lifted to my feet, I was only sniffling. I avoided Cooper's concerned gaze, wiping my hand heavily across my wet cheeks. It wasn't often I was punished this way- and especially not so harshly.

I pushed the heels of my hands against my eye sockets, willing the upcoming headache away. When I finally removed my hands away from my face completely and opened my eyes, black spots invaded my vision. As it cleared, the same familiar office came into view. It almost shocked me that nothing had changed in the last five minutes that had seemed so colossal.

I finally looked at Cooper, trying to maintain my shaky composure. He was looking at his hands, clearly shaken also. This really wasn't easy for him. He slowly lifted his head up to meet mine, smiling slightly. I felt like he could read my mind and- though the idea was absurd and we were definitely not in some Twilight novel- my brother probably wasn't that far off. I wasn't the greatest at hiding my emotions. Plus, he knew me better than any of my siblings, besides perhaps Penny.

Tears welled in my eyes as quickly as they disappeared, and Cooper needed only to beckon a single finger toward me before I fell into his embrace. I sighed, not saying anything as he shushed my shuddering breaths.

"I love you, Owen," he muttered, tightening his hold on me slightly. I nodded, opting not to say anything, lest my voice crack embarrassingly.

We stayed like that for a few moments more, silent except for my heavy breaths. Eventually, I sighed heavily, leaning out of the embrace and shakily getting to my feet. I swiped my hand across my eyes one last time, and took a deep, cleansing breath. This was now over and done with.

Cooper seemed to sense this too, and stood up, rubbing his hands. He walked around the room aimlessly for a few moments, needlessly rearranging random things. He looked restless, but I knew what he was doing- trying to come up with something to say. This was rare for my third older brother.

A whistle sounded outside, and it seemed to startle Cooper out of his musings. He clapped his hands together, causing me to jump and look up at him expectantly. He grabbed his own whistle and clipboard, heading for the door. When I didn't follow, he eyed me knowingly. Oh no.

"I believe you have some running to do. Hit the locker room and change out. You've got five minutes." Groaning, I trudged out behind my brother.

"Don't I at least get a break today? You just beat the crap outta me!" I exclaimed, playing the pity card. Of course, I knew my efforts were all but futile. I could almost see my older brother rolling his eyes. "Five minutes," he repeated, leaving me at the door that led to the locker rooms.

Sweat was running in torrents down my face, back, arms, legs- let's face it, I was a perspiration puddle. My feet mechanically continued the even pace they had maintained for the past hour- save for the short water break Cooper had graced me with. I never worried about being out of shape. As a soccer player, I was almost constantly active. That, coupled with Dana's health freakishness, kept me very healthy. I had always thought myself to be extremely athletic- until now, that is.

I was huffing and puffing like a fat guy chasing an ice cream truck. I was probably barely pushing four miles per hour, but I had been running for a while, in my defense. I was confused at my newfound exhaustion, though. Unfortunately, this was not the first time I had endured this grueling punishment of Cooper's. But in the few times I had experienced this two hour hell, I'd never been so fucking tired. Pardon my French, but I was absolutely dying!

Willow Academy (Spanking Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें