Chapter 25, Part 1: Penny's POV

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"Are you sure?" Coach Merrill asked me.

"Yes," I told her. "I don't want to quit, but I just have a lot going on right now, so it's not fair to the other girls that come to practice every day if I take up their playing time."

"Well, okay," Coach Merrill said. "But please come out for the team next year."

"I will," I said as I slowly started backing away, though at the moment I had no intention of ever playing soccer again. "Tell everyone I wish them luck in the game today."

"Penny, where are you going!" Lizzie, one of my now-former teammates, called over to me. She and the rest of team were warming up on our home side of the field.

Not wanting to distract them too much or make a big spectacle, I simply pouted and waved to them all. "I gotta go! Good luck today!"

"No, Penny! We need you!" Janette, another soccer player, shouted.

I wouldn't go as far as to agree with her, but ever since Caroline and I started playing soccer (and I started starting the games), we've won a lot more games than we've lost.

"You guys will be fine!" I shouted back. I then noticed Caroline shake her head at me. After I told her that I was quitting, she told her parents that she also wanted to quit. Unfortunately for her, they wouldn't let her. After Caroline went home for a weekend and her parents saw what great shape she'd been getting into ever since she joined soccer, quitting was absolutely out of the question. I kind of felt bad about essentially ditching Caroline, but I knew she would be fine—the other soccer girls accepted us as one of them now, so it's not like she was completely alone; and we still had classes together so it's not like we'd never be able to see each other; and ... really what choice did I have if I wanted to secretly hang out with my boyfriend?

Just my luck as I was walking off the field, I ran into the one person I really didn't want to see at that point: Cooper. The boys soccer team also had a game today, but theirs started at 6:00 whereas the girls' started at 3:30.

"Where are you going?" Cooper asked as he approached me. "Why aren't you in your uniform?"

Well, I guess now was as good a time as ever to tell him. "Back to my dorm. I quit the team."

I hadn't really anticipated having to tell Cooper that I quit out in the open where everyone could evidently listen in, but oh well.

"Quit the team?" Cooper looked shocked, actually more shocked than I thought he'd be. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to." The whole time this conversation was going on, I didn't stop walking and I kept my voice monotone. Like I said, Cooper was the last person I wanted to see (well, besides Emmett), and it was gonna stay that way until he gave me a heartfelt apology.

"Penny," Cooper said calmly but firmly as he stopped but I continued on by him. I stopped walking and turned to look at him. "Come with me."

"To where?"

"My office."

"I don't wanna talk about it, Cooper. I just wanna go back to my dorm—"

"Well I wasn't asking you, I was telling you." I stared at him. "My office. Now."

I huffed as I reluctantly started walking in the direction of the boys' locker room. Cooper was walking behind me as if I was a flight risk or something—it was actually pretty obnoxious and pretty embarrassing.

It was unfortunate that the boys weren't playing (and changing) until later, because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to walk through the boys' locker room to get to my brother's office. "Sit," Cooper ordered as soon as I opened the door to his office. I winced as I slowly sat down in the hard wooden chair in front of his desk, the thought of my oldest two brothers entering my mind.

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