Chapter 27, Part 1: Penny's POV

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"What the hell is wrong with you!" Cooper asked Owen as he finally stopped struggling in his grip.

"Wrong with me? He's the bastard that was in here alone with Penny!" Owen said.

"That doesn't give you the right to kick his ass!" I shouted at Owen.

"Yes it does!" Owen roared. "I'm not gonna sit back and watch you get pregnant!"

"Oh shut up, Owen!" I said as Cooper roughly let go of him.

"No, I'm not gonna shut up!" Owen said. "You're my baby sister and I'm going to protect you!"

"Clearly you're the one she needs protecting from," Zach said as he wiped some blood off of his face. "What with the way you lose your temper—"

"You want some more!" Owen asked before lunging at Zach again. But Cooper grabbed him by the arm.

"I said stop it, Owen David!" he said. "You're in enough trouble as it is! Don't make it worse—"

"Why am I in trouble! He hit me first!"

"I don't care if he hit you first! You're still in trouble for fighting and you're still in trouble for stealing answer keys!"

Owen's eyes went wide. Clearly in his rage he'd forgotten about his pretty eye-opening confession. "You know I stole Dana's answer keys?"

"This whole hallway knows you stole Dana's answer keys, you screamed it so f-ing loudly," Cooper said. Then his eyes suddenly went wide too. "Wait, Dana's? You stole Dana's answer keys?"

"Have you lost your mind?" I asked Owen, even though I knew the answer to that question was absolutely. The only person that would steal anything from Dana was someone with a death wish.

"It was a long time ago," Owen argued. "Back when I was still involved with ... you know—"

"Drug dealing?" Zach said. Thank goodness Cooper still had a hold of Owen because he looked like he was ready to literally kill Zach. Literally.

"Does Dana know?" Cooper asked Owen.

"Um, well ..." Owen looked everywhere in the room except at Cooper, which obviously answered Cooper's question for him.

Cooper pushed Owen towards the door. "Go tell him."

"But—" Owen said as he regained his balance. "I don't know where he is—"

"Then go find him!" The more Cooper barked at Owen, the more Owen seemed to slowly be turning into a scared little Chihuahua. "He's either in his office or at home, so start walking."


"Owen David, I suggest you go tell Dana what you did right now, or I'm gonna tell him. And trust me, if I have to tell him it's gonna be a whole lot worse for you."

"Okay, okay, fine," Owen said, "I'm going." Owen made sure to give Zach the once over before slowly making his way out of my room.

"And you," Cooper said as he grabbed Zach by the shoulders almost as firmly as he'd done Owen. Once Zach seemed steady enough to stand without his full support, Cooper shoved a finger in his face. "What the hell do you think you're doing in this dorm room?"

Clearly he was in overprotective mode just like Owen had been. I was afraid if Zach gave him the "wrong" answer, Cooper would clock him too, whether we were on school grounds or not. Since Zach still look somewhat dazed from Owen's last blow to the side of his head, I decided to answer for him.


"You know what, nevermind," Cooper said before I had a chance to explain the situation. "I don't care. I'll be damned if you aren't suspended for this incident, if not expelled." He then pulled Zach towards the door.

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