Chapter 28, Part 1: Owen's POV

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Home had never looked so welcoming! No matter the circumstances under which I was being brought there, I was there, and so was my ear! Somehow, someway, we had made it in one functioning—albeit scared shitless—piece.

"Inside," Dana bit out, snapping in the direction of the open front door. I resisted the urge to spit "Yes, Master" and grovel at his feet.

"Go to my room."

Oh, no.

You have to understand something: When you're in trouble with Dana, you're most likely shitting bricks and contemplating an early death rather than facing his wrath. However, when you're in trouble with Dana, and he's taking you to his room, there's no 'contemplating.' You're finding your way to the nearest window and jumping without a second thought. You see, Dana's room is home to one of the worst instruments in human history, the—

"Owen David, do as I say. My room, now!" More snapping fingers.

My voice bubbled its way out before my common sense could wrangle it back.

"Dana, no! Don't use that! I wasn't even that bad!" Beautiful argumentation, Owen. Have you ever considered joining debate?

"Excuse me? Don't test me, Owen; get your backside in there right now!"


"This is not up for discussion! I told you I was done with this disobedience! Now, I am not playing with you, Owen David. In there, now!"


Really, he'd given me enough warnings. It's not his fault I'm incredibly, ridiculously stubborn.

Dana's hand collided with my unprotected nether regions, smacks loud and heavy and searing. I would swear he was using his full strength, though I knew that was a ridiculous notion; Dana could probably bench press a cow. I gritted my teeth and planned to wait it out, only... he wasn't stopping. Five became ten became twenty became—

"Owww!! Okay, okay, I get it already!" I twisted and turned with all my might, but his bear hand still somehow found its way to my ass.

"No, you obviously don't, Owen, because you're still standing here and not marching yourself to my room."

"Okay, I will as soon as you STOP!" I exclaimed.

"No, go ahead. I was patient with you, and yet you still resisted. So, now we're doing it my way. I would make my way there now, because you still have a spanking coming for the stunt you pulled today, the answer keys, and anything else I should know about."

Well, shit. There was more stuff he should know about, but I hadn't been planning on telling him! Could I not have at least one secret under my short, fifteen years of existence?

I began an awkward shuffle-walk towards the stairs, but there was no way I was making it up. Thankfully, Dana stopped his assault on my burning ass as we reached the bottom, and instead chose to grip onto my still-stinging ear to pull me the rest of the way to his bedroom. I was dumped unceremoniously onto the bed, and I quickly turned over onto my back to avoid anymore damage to my throbbing rear.

"Dana, please, please, please! I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry! I'll never do it again! It was when I was messed up with all those druggies and—"

"Owen, stop with the excuses. You can't live on those forever. One day, you'll have to man up and face the real world and take responsibility for all of your problems and mistakes. I don't care what state of mind you were in when you stole my answer keys or started a fight, because it clearly wasn't the right one. Whether it was ten minutes ago or ten years ago, that state of mind will exist until someone or something puts a stop to it. I'd prefer giving you a sound spanking to burying you in the ground," Dana lectured, wagging his finger at me. Now, the lecture sounded all deep and shit, but you have to understand how many times I'd heard this same speech. "I only do it because I love you" and "In the real world, problems don't just go away" and all that jazz. It really just went in one ear and out the other. I know I sound insensitive, but any other fifteen-year-old would have been the same way.

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