Chapter 18, Part 1: Penny's POV

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I thought Emmett was gonna pick me up at my dorm and walk me to the dance, but he didn't. Not that he didn't want to, or I didn't want him to ... it was my brothers who didn't want him to (or I should really say it was Dana who didn't want him to, and all of my brothers sided with him). None of my brothers could really make sure that I didn't wait for Emmett to pick me up since Cooper, Dana, and Ben left for the dance early because they were chaperoning ... and I had no idea where Owen was ... but Emmett and I agreed to meet right outside the gymnasium, where homecoming was being held.

"Your brothers are sexist," Julia said as she, Caroline, and I approached the gymnasium. Torryn was going with Tracey Morrel (or "Trey the tight-end" as we liked to call him) and said she'd see us there.

"What?" I asked, surprised by her super-random comment.

"They're fine with the three of us girls walking to the dance together, but they refuse to let you walk with a boy," Julia said. "Sexist."

"That's a bit extreme, don't you think?" Caroline chimed in. Julia shrugged.

"My brothers are not sexist," I said. "Overprotective, yes. But not sexist."

"On the contrary, the evidence says that they are."


"What if you had decided to go with a girlfriend instead of Emmett?" she asked. "You think they still would have been against you going to the dance with her?"

"Do you mean a 'girlfriend,' or a friend who's a girl, like us?" Caroline asked.

Julia shrugged. "Either."

"Okay now you're not making any sense," I said.

"I'm making a point," she said.

"Julia, I know you're the debate queen and everything, but if you really want to know whether or not my brothers are 'sexist' why don't you just ask them yourselves?"

"No thanks," Julia said as I opened the entrance door for them. "I'm already struggling to keep an A minus in Mr. Kherrington's class."

"Oh no, not an A minus," Caroline fake gasped.

"Yes an A minus," Julia said. "It's horrible."

"Can we not talk about school?" I said. "This is homecoming, not homeroom. Let's have some fun tonight!"

"Says the girl with the date," Caroline mumbled.

"Oh whatever, you can still have fun without a date," I said.

"Penny's right, Care," Julia said as we walked into the darkened gymnasium. "We can still have—oh! I love this song!" She grabbed Caroline's arm. "Come do the Cha Cha Slide with me!"

I just shook my head as Caroline reluctantly let her roommate drag her onto the dance floor that was actually pretty filled with people. A few seconds later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a smiling Emmett standing behind me. "Hey," I said, smiling back.

"Hey," he said. "You look great."

I straightened out the short, gold dress I was wearing, even though it didn't really need straightening. "Thanks. So do you."

"Thanks." Emmett tightened his tie. "Who knew I cleaned up so good, huh?"

"Oh stop." My smiled dropped a little when I noticed Dana standing over in the corner of the gym. I knew my brothers were only chaperoning the dance to keep an eye on me because they rarely ever went to school dances in years past (and when they did, all three of them never went to the same ones).

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