Chapter 27, Part 2: Owen's POV

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"Wait, Dana's? You stole Dana's answer keys?" Cooper had asked incredulously.

"Have you lost your mind?" Penny's eyes had comically bugged out of her head.

Okay, so maybe it was a little hard to believe. I'd done stupid things before, but this stunt pretty much stole the spotlight, made the top of the "Brainless Things Owen has Done" list.

And I'd almost gotten away with it.

My footsteps were admittedly slower and far less determined walking away from Penny's room than they had been coming towards it. The impending doom of Dana's wrath hung over my head like a freshly sharpened guillotine. Why had my big mouth decided to mention that the stolen answer keys were Danas'? It was like the time I had basically given away that Penny and I had snooped through Dana's confiscated toys drawer, a major no-no. My observational skills were never exactly up to par, and my head-to-mouth filter had been broken for a while. Thus, my little "slips" had gotten both Penny and me on the receiving end of some pretty unpleasant punishments. Damn Penny for absorbing all the quick wit and leaving me with nothing to do but put my foot in my mouth!

Well, at least I wasn't there to face Cooper after he found out that not only was she alone with that asshole in her dorm, but that she had been seeing him behind their backs for weeks. That could probably make the top of Penny's list.

I'd never seen my third oldest brother so ... enraged. And I hadn't even been allowed to stick around for the Zach showdown! I just knew Coop was gonna mop the floor with that poor guy. I might even find it within myself—deep, DEEP within myself—to scrape up some sympathy for him.

Cooper had even snapped at Penny; that just didn't happen. He would not ever hesitate to correct her misbehavior, but never before had he gone about it so harshly. She was in for a serious walloping. Like I said, I definitely didn't want to be in her shoes.

I didn't particularly want to be in mine, either.

As I grudgingly trudged up the two staircases to the third floor in the north wing, my steps echoed forebodingly off the brick walls. The school was vacant, and eerily silent. All the students were either at the soccer game (if they were cool) or off doing whatever it was they did after school.

I knew Dana was most likely here, though, holed up in his office and reveling in the uninterrupted time—to be used productively, of course. My tennis shoes reached the third level, squeaking slightly on the linoleum. N307 sat ominously just down the hallway. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and ventured off into the Valley of Death.

Sure enough, I could see Dana hunched over his computer in the office that was connected to his classroom. It was a cramped, closet of a room and couldn't really be considered an office, but it was essentially a second home for my brother. Workaholic, hypochondriac, obsessive compulsive—geez; maybe it's not my sanity Penny should be questioning.

I didn't bother knocking; no need for him to get up and notice my bruised face or bleeding knuckles. Cooper had only ordered me to tell him about the answer keys, and I was planning on doing just that. However, considering that it was omitting the truth that had gotten me into this situation in the first place, I probably should just come clean, with everything. No need to give Zach another thing to hold over my head.

Dana, who could hear a pin drop during the middle of the Super Bowl Halftime Show, glanced up the second I turned the knob and relinquished the door from its place in the frame.

"Owen? What are you doing here? Your game starts in less that half an hour!" His dress shoes nearly had sparks coming off the backs of them, he got to me so quickly. His "older brother senses" must have warned him something was up, because his hands immediately went to my face, titling my cheek so the fluorescents made the bruise there even more glaringly obvious. So much for not telling him about fighting.

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