Chapter 15: Hunger

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Fear fills my body as i stare at scatty's hungry vampire state. I take a step back and she takes a few forward and i hit my back up against the wall and she grabs my throat and lifts me off my feet and i place my hands on the wall trying to gain a grip but there was nothing to grab onto but a flat surface. She grins looking at me baring her fangs and swiftly moves her head to my neck and sinks her teeth into my flesh breaking the skin as my blood flows into her mouth and i hear her give a satisfying groan while she latches her lips to my wound and  drinks more. I wince in pain closing my eyes as i feel my blood leave my body and my head throb as i slowly lose consciousness. She drops my to the floor with blood running down the sides of her mouth and her chin stained with my blood and wipes it on her sleeve looking at me smirking. "Surprisingly tasty for a girl who grew up in a dirty demented mansion." She says kneeling down to me picking up my arm feeling my faint pulse with her eyes still crimson red. I barely hear a crash of doors as my eyes close and my heart beats slowly as i lose consciousness. 

With my eyes still closed, my hearing returns barely being able to make out the sound of voices around me. My touch returns as i regain feeling in my body but the pain returns as well as its source is my neck. I feel my strength return slowly as i lay there, feeling the comfort of sheets and blankets from beneath me. The  voices cease as i feel their stares fall onto me and my heart beats slightly faster with the sudden attention. I slowly open my eyes as it my vision still remains blurry, making out the outline of two people on either side of the bed i'm lying on. Little by little the details are made out and i see two worried expressions of eragon and scatty. She seemed to have more color in her skin then when i saw her drinking my blood, like she looked more human. Eragon looked pale with fear and worry looking down at me as he grabs my hand clasping it. "I'm so relieved you're alright Sam. I came in just in time, when i heard a thud in the kitchen i rushed in as fast as i could to see you on the floor and scatty hovering over you about to take another bi-" He says and stops before he finishes and looks away then returns his gaze to me slightly disturbed. "Anyway i'm glad you're alright." He repeats himself and lets go of my hand and scatty approaches me and i flinch as her presence nears and she halts seeing my fear. I see her expression change from worry to a mix of blame and guilt. I look at her and hold out my hand to her realizing my reaction and try to help with her guilt of her actions. She looks at my kind gesture and goes to my hand and clasps it just like eragon had done. "I'm so sorry Sam, i don't know what happened to me, i lost control." She says feeling ashamed of herself. I look at her and grip her hand in mine and pull her closer to me. "I know and i understand. Don't beat yourself up so much. It was a mistake, i forgive you. Just a word of advice, attack a blood bag, not me next time." I say my voice raspy and clear my throat letting go of her hand and close my eyes once more. She lets go of my hand and covers me with the blankets. "Get some sleep. Holler if you need anything." She says leaving me to rest and so does eragon following her out of the room and closing the door behind him. I slowly fall asleep and lay peacefully in bed as my body regains its strength. 

I wake up to the smell of food wafting into my bedroom from the kitchen. The smell of BBQ wings and brisket filling my lungs and my eyes open and my stomach growls yearning for food. I slip out of bed seeing i'm in new clothes from earlier and think for a moment how then imagining eragon changing them since scatty has been avoiding my touch and chills run down my spine as i wave the thought out of my head. I open my door as the smell hits me even more and i could feel my mouth water as i make my way downstairs. I rush into the dining room seeing a pot of honey baked beans, a brisket cut and sliced perfectly, a bowl of BBQ wings, and 5 pieces of sweet corn on a pan. I look at it all amazed and see scatty come out with a bowl of Caesar salad and smile at her. "You made all my favorites! Thank you!" I say quickly walking over to her hugging her tightly and she smiles holding the bowl out of the way and hugs me with one arm. "I felt so bad feeding from you, only fair if i give you a feast as well. All your favorites from my memory of you staying her." She smiles and i let go looking at it all as she places the bowl down. I sit at the table and fill my plate with all the different foods in front of me and dig in. "I don't think i'll be able to finish it all." I comment looking at her and she nods. "Yeah i know that's why invited some people over." she said and the door bell rings shortly after and i turn to the door and she goes to open it and i look at the people at the door step with wide eyes.

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