The Interview

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Chapter 1

The first day he met her was a clear and sunny day something that was rare in the dark city of Gotham.

The richest family of the city had a need for new personnel after their butler and father figure seemed to never have a day off, but with their dark secret they had to find someone who wouldnt find them out, but they also need someone who could keep on Alfreds standards.

Many have come for the interview, but none stayed. The elder butler notices they were underqualified or had a second motive. Alfred sighed, losing hope in finding decent help. Not a second had past when there was a knocked on the door. Alfred couldnt recall seeing someone outside before closing the door, but he opens it non-the lease.

Outside stood a young girl in a white blouse, black slacks and a pair of black 6-inch heels with a tiny silver bow and a pearl hanging from it. For a moment Alfred thought she was a friend of one the children in the household.

"Good evening young lady may I as to whom you're looking for?" Alfred spoke to her as he opens the door wider for the lady, but she stayed put.

"Good evening Im here for an interview for the new personnel?" She stood with proper posture and spoke softly and sweetly like an English lady even thought her naturally golden skin and long curly hair tied in a clean ponytail screamed of Spanish decent maybe from South America.

20 maybe 21 she seems extremely young Alfred thought, but he knew better than to judge someone by their age. Oh, my apologies, please follow me for your interview

The lady took the invitation to walk in and followed the butler quietly, not even her heels made a louder sound than that of a fallen needle which impressed Alfred. Alfred took her to a small room there he has done some of his leisure reading and writing. Bookshelves cover the walls with paper and books and a desk that has been organized to Alfreds taste.

"May I have your name? So, I can look for the resume you sent us." He explained.

"Emy Albastar"

Alfred found it quickly, faster than any other because Alfred couldnt stop reading it. She was the only one that could fill his expectations and even exceeded them. Degrees in many fields to the point that he had to go into the computer to find if it was true which to his surprise it was. The master of the house, Bruce Wayne, even called the many schools the girl had attended and graduated from to confirm. In the end they found that everything written in the resume was true.

"Let us start, shall we? he turns to the lady sitting in front of the desk," he sat behind it and received a small nod. "I've been reading your resume and I couldnt believe all this said."

She smiled. "My old professor notified me about your call," she said.

"Arent you angry or surprised?"

"Not really, it wouldnt be the first time this has happen and unfortunately it probably wont be the last time either."


"Because of my qualifications many think that I could be in a better place and send me off without a second thought and even to my dismay, I fear that this might be another one of those cases." She explained.

"Why do you wish to work as a maid or a servant?" Alfred ask as if it was for the interview, but truth be told it was mostly his own curiosity.

"My mother worked as a cleaning maid, her whole life and sometimes need help, so my siblings and I would go help and since Ive kept working as a maid and even now when I think of work and a profession I can only see myself as a maid."

Alfred heard the sincerity in her voice, but something was off. Her body language said that she rather not speaks about it. He dares to ask anyway. What are your mothers thoughts on this?"

"Honestly sir she disapproves which I understand with everything Ive studying I could be anything, but I still chose the last thing she wanted me to be."

"Emy in this household live the master Bruce Wayne and his son Young Master Damian Wayne. He also has 3 other sons and 1 daughter, and you should know that their friends tend to come more often than one wishes. Do you think this would bother you seeing that there are many males in the manor?" Alfred calmly changes the subject and continue the interview because even though there wasnt any sign of water works he didnt want to risk it.

"Not at all, with a small chuckle she continues sounds like the Wayne House is pretty lively."

Not as much one hopes my dear Alfred thought. The Waynes werent the most stable of family, but the girl's family wasnt either. For the first time Alfred looked at the girl with eagle eyes. Her sun kissed skin said she was from somewhere where the sun shines most of the year and her eyes showed she was from Asian descent, but her posture said she was from a prestigious French family and her voice has an obvious American accent. This and many other factors confused the Englishman, he couldnt tell where Emy was raised.

He glanced down and read for a moment, trying to decipher her origin. Emy notice and spoke, "My mother is of Asian descent and my father is from Great Britain. Weve been moving all my life from all over the world. I tend to pick up things quickly, so many say they cant figure me out." She spoke as if she could read his mind.

With a chuckle Alfred said, "A mind reader, I see that will go well with the boys when they try so escape at night."

"I often notice people trying to figure my ethnicity, therefore Im used to picking up on such things and as for the escaping boys I cant pick up on mind reading but I can read body language quite easily." She smiled back.

After more questions and reading her, Alfred thought carefully about his next move when he came to a decision and nodded. "Emy, tomorrow comes at 6 in the morning we will asset you and see if youre qualified for the job." Alfred stood up and extended his hand to her.

With a wide smile Emy stood and shocked the elder's hand "It would be a pleasure to work with you."

"I must warn you, working here may feel like it's sucking the life out of you." Alfred chuckled.

"Good thing I live forever." She smiles with a glint in her eyes.

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