The Test pt.2

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Warning this chapter has fighting and nothing else thank you for your time

True to Bruce's words Alfred's test and standards were hard to match for a normal person. Thank the gods I'm not normal at all, Emy chuckled at her inner joke.

So far cleaning to Alfred's expectations hasnt been that hard but what did give her a hard time was the family members. Well, at least they aren't mean or anything. Even though they didnt harm her they seem to watch her closely. Other members of the family came to stay the night and as well followed Emy with watchful eyes.

Almost as if they know something, this thought put herself on edge. But dismissed it after feeling the warmth that was sent to her. If they knew she would have known instantly so her thoughts changed to why were they monitoring her every move.

The day had passed and it was 6:30 in the afternoon when Alfred asked Emy to follow him to the indoor gym in the Wayne Manor. Emy followed quietly when Alfred spoke, "I have already done my assessment but the Masters have their own little test they want to give you."

"Is that why they were looking at me from the corner of their eyes," Emy asked.

"Yes," Alfred said hiding his astonishment. No many could notice the Wayne's' eyes on them.

Once inside Emy found the whole Wayne family and among other members all surrounding a red circle. Emy knew of some of them but she hadn't really research which she regrets deeply.

"Emy meet my family and their friend that practically are my children. The boys Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke and Damian and the girls Barbara, Stephanie, and Cassandra." As Bruce said their name they wave, smile or nodded.

"My name is Emy Albastar, it's a pleasure to meet you all" Emy bowed understanding what was going to happen next.

"We read your resume and did some digging and found out that you have many black belts and an expert in many fighting styles," Tim said as his thumb swiped in his tablet.

"That correct."

"Why did you exclude this information from your resume?" Damian looks at you with a glare.

"I didnt think that information would help me acquire the job of a maid."

"I hope you dont mind us not believing what people said about your...skill." This time it was the redhead name Barbara who spoke. At this point Emy was starting to get a headache, okay I get they have a thing going around but this whole thing is way over the top.

"With all due respect, I understand what you want so let's move to it. I accept your challenge." Emy spoke with no emotion in her voice.

"Thank god everyone's dramatic dialogue was pissing me off," Jason sighed.

"Emy please get in the red circle," Bruce said as he took a wooden staff off the rack and throw it to her. Emy didnt hesitate to catch it but she wouldnt be needing.

"I won't be using this but please use any weapon you wish," Emy said as she put the staff on the ground and entered the circle.

"Hey now dont get cocky we're pretty good too" Dick gave a smirk to Emy. "You should take your heel we dont want them to slow you down. You're fighting all of us after all."

This time it was Emy's turn to send a glare that confused Dick. He couldnt think anything that he said to cause such angry glare. "I'll have you know my heels will never slow me down and I'm not cocky I will fight with everything I have thank you very much."

Both Bruce and Emy were in the circle when she spoke. Burce thought she was distracted. He also thought she had her guard down. Bruce thought Emy saw one of his kids: young and skilled but in the end just another kid. That was his mistake Bruce thought too much and didnt expect much from her.

As Emy talked to Dick, Bruce sneaked behind her to strike but never got the chance. Before he got in position Emy strike him hitting the joint where the arm is attached to the shoulder causing him to drop the staff. She slipped behind him, reached for his throat, entwine her fingers and using her own back as leverage she flipped him with ease.

"You're too stiff Mr. Wayne it makes you predictable." Emy looked up to see the rest of the Wayne family. "Next."

Silence filled the room for a second but it felt like it was quiet for centuries. Until Dick took the lead and ran to attack, he avoided Emy's open hand attacked by flipping over her. "Can't predict me now can you." He smirked.Without warning, Emy punched his jaw than his temple. He tries to backflip away but Emy knee kicks him in the solar plexus making disoriented and falling to the ground gasping for are.

"You talk too much and even though you're not predictable not even your own instincts know your next move," Emy said and hear Damian curse in Arabic. "Language Mr. Damian." She hides a smirk. He knows, let's see how long he can last before he loses it.

Barbara takes a turn starting with a low kick aiming for Emy's knee. But when she is an inch Emy movies and lifts her leg in a complete vertical split then slamming it down hitting Barbara in the shoulder. Barbara is quick to stand up again and charge for punch. Emy leans to the right and lets Barbara pass. With her right arm, Emy gets hold of Barbara's neck and spins to slam her down.

"You look down on someone and didnt even bothered to live up to your own expectations." Emy showed boredom on her face while Bruce grumbled. The second one to notice not bad Waynes, not bad.

Jay and Tim seem to want to tag team with Steph they went at her in every direction. Kick, punch, jab, dodge they went with everything they had and yet Emy only evaded. Things quickly turn south from there, as Emy kept avoiding them they go agitated and end up hurting each other. All Emy did be guided out of the circle without them noticing.

"Your problem was obvious but that was mostly my fault. I'm deeply sorry I didnt fight back but please understand I'm tired." Emy patted softly. "You know I've never met a family who had your skills. I think I've seen your movements somewhere."

"Probably on tv," Dick blurred out.

"Yeah, we like to copy movies a lot," Duke added as he sat on the floor outside the red circle.

Emy glanced at her watch and pursed her lips. "I'm sorry but it already 6:45 is it okay if I leave now it's just about the time my cat gets dropped off." They give her a questioning look. "He's with a cat-sitter since he likes to follow me to work and anywhere I go."

"You may leave miss Emy I believe that the masters have more than enough tested your skills," Alfred said without giving room for any discussion.

"but before you go, is there something you'll like to say about yourself that if we found out it could cause you to lose this job opportunity," Alfred said.

"That is very specific and yes I sing at a club some nights and my brother happens to be the owner." Emy rushed away and walked to her apartment.

"Well, Alfred what you think?" Bruce said when Emy was out of earshot.

"Master Burce I believe you know exactly what I think. The true question is what the greatest detective thinks." Alfred turned to see the rest of the family some angered about their lost or disappointed for not getting their turn. "Well, I believe it's time to bed before you night activities start."

Groans and whines fill the room.

"you guys heard Alfred time for bed" Bruce herd his family out of the room. But Alfred stood in one place starring at Burce. "Me too huh?"

"I believe the kids these days say 'well duh' master Burce"

Bruce walked to his room as Alfred walked next to him.

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