The Wicked

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(although if you could ignore grammar error that would be appreciated but you do you. I don't care)

A/N: its good to back!!!!!!!!

Nightshade came running with a bottle of the same pills but stopped when the presence of one of the oldest washed over him.

"Your late cat," Aria said when she spotted him.

Oh, shut up, he thought to himself.

You should watch your thoughts; a thought was forced in causing Nightshade to feel like a nail being hammered in. He looked up to find a crow flying overhead of them.

"Aria stop," Emy came out of the mansion walking steadily but slow. She picked up her cat and kept walking to her apartment her sister three steps behind her with her crow close by.

Once in her apartment Emy to the liberty to collapse in her couch groaning in pain. "That hag did it on purpose didnt she?"

"You know the answer to that," Aria walked around Emy's apartment memorizing every little detail.

"I'm guessing you're aren't here for me."

"Bellona told Mother and Father about your rules and they're bit bitter about the whole separated part, so they send me to scold you and care of you."

"I'll pass on both, thank you."

A second wave of pain hit Emy in her spine, she held in a scream all, she could do was curl in a fetus position groaning.

Nightshade leaped to his human form to carry her to her bed as Nye reveal herself to help him. Nye was a 5'9 tall girl with a side buzz cut. She wore a black corset and a leather jacket. Her worn out black skinny jean where ripped and had patches of bands from different times. She had three bridge nose piercings and a septum piercing. She also had piercings all over her ears with one of a wing pitch black which was the piercing that Nightshade had to look at.

"I forgot to tell you Father is also doing the ritual so, you have no other choice but let me care for you." Aria followed Nightshade and Nye into the bedroom.

They put her in the bed slowly and walked out of the room, Aria took over afterwards helping her changed her clothes, and help her into her bed. For the rest of the day Aria stood next to her sister watching over her and caring for her.

Memoires flooded her of when she was just a little girl before the birth of the child of the gods. Aria remember how excited she was when she found out Emy had been born, she always got excited when a baby was born in her family. She remembers teaching her how to walk and talk. Aria missed her family. She could only find joy in those memories since her family has long stopped being loving and taken cold and far away paths from each other.

She looked down to look at the little girl on the bed trebling in pain and groaning in agony. Aria has seen her in this state many times before and she did the only thing that could to ease her pain. She lifted her sister head sat down then lowered her head back down into her lap.

Aria stroked Emys hair smoothing out her curls while nightshade left and came back with a large bowl of warm water and a small towel. Aria took over again once it was placed in the nightstand using the moist towel to swipe the sweat of her face and neck.

Flashback keep coming, of the times all three of the youngest would run to Aria with a book in each set of arms while she read under a tree. They would lay on her lap altogether and pretended to read until she finished with a chapter and read them their books.

Felix loved Robin Hood often taking up a stick and sword fight with the youngest. Emy fell in love with Alice in Wonderland and would often go looking for white rabbits with clock for days. But the youngest was special, he didnt had one favorite book but a whole genre. He would love to listen to her read love poems and crazy romance novels where the man would go to the ends of the world for his lover.

He had a big heart, she thought. Her second thought came automatedly but hearing out loud was always worst that the guilt that came after the thought ran through her mind.

"His big heart is what got him killed." Emy rise and stretched her arms. Aria was glad she seemed she felt better but her words burned too much feel any true rejoice. Emy didnt have telepathic powers but she had a natural talent to take know exactly what someone was thinking.

"You look better," Aria said as Emy stood up slowly. "Got something to do?"

"Aint no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good," Emy recited the song.

Aria followed Emy quietly as she walked around the apartment, way from the kitchen into the living room. Halfway Emy pause and huffed out then went and flopped into the couch.

"Gave up?"

All Aria heard was a bunch of grunts when Emys body stared to glow. Marks start to create all over Emys body somewhere blue and others where red.

"They're finally getting on with it," Aria said.

"Yeah well, they beardly realized that I was going to go to them, so I guess they gave up on me. I wouldnt be the first kid they gave up on."

Aria hate how her family ended up they once had so much love that the mere thought of being separated hurt. Now they couldnt think of each without wanted to spill out the bitter taste that the thought brought with them.

Before Aria could say anything, someone knocked the door.

"Emy its Bruce, the boys and your hot neighbor we wanted to how you are," in complete silence Aria and Emy had a panic attack then Aria shooed Emy into her room while she took care of her uninvited guest while the acceptance was done.

This is going to get really dirty, Nightshade thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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