3 years old

19.8K 675 215

3rd p.o.v

"Come on Sakura you can do it"

Fugaku looked at Sakura as she mastered the fireball jutsu.

Sakura added more chakra to the fireball and made it bigger

'I don't want to have to hide most of my chakra...but I don't want to put the uchiha in danger'

Sakura sighed as thought, she finished holding the fire for a while.

"Alright Sakura I think you're ready to go to the academy. Don't let me down, the war is going to start soon. I'll recommend you to the hokage as soon as you pass the academy."

Sakura looked at Fugaku with the same expression she always had.

"Yes Father, thank you" Sakura bowed slightly.

Fugaku sighed at her lack of expression and told Mikoto his idea. Of course he was ready for her to yell at him.

However none of that came. Fugaku opened  his eyes to see Mikoto looking at Sakura.

"Sakura is this what you want? Please reconsider, please." Mikoto's desperation was clear in her voice.

Sakura looked at Fugaku "look Mikoto she has to advance as a ninja"

Mikoto glared at Fugaku, desperate she argued.

"Fugaku she's just a child!! Don't force her to lose her innocence because you want her to fight in the war! She my baby, I don't want to lose her! Please Fugaku"

Mikoto was on the verge of tears as Sakura spoke.

"Mother, are you not proud of me?" Mikoto stared at her in slight panic

"Of course I am dear it just... I don't want... "

Sakura gave one of her rare smiles to her mother.

"it's ok Mother, I won't leave you ever!"

Mikoto cried as she nodded.

"If that's what you want alright. Advance as much as you can. I'll be supporting you"

Sakura nodded and went up to her room to get ready to go to the academy and get signed up.

Sakura's p.o.v

I ran up stairs and got ready in a grey short sleeved shirt with the uchiha crest on the back, black knee length shorts, some gloves, and grabbed some ninja sandals.

I ran down stairs  and put on my sandals as I followed my father to the academy.

Once we arrived at the academy my father asked to sign me up and started to fill out paperwork.

I looked outside to see the whole place abandoned.

'I guess the war started. I'm going to have to graduate fast so I can protect konoha'

Father just finished filling out the papers and sighed.

"You'll be starting tomorrow at 8 a.m."

I nodded as we walked in a comfortable silence home to Mother.

And as fast as that she already bought me a messenger bag, pencils, notebooks and other things.

*Next day*

I woke up before the sun came up and silently went outside and started training.

I ran 10 laps around the village, did 50 push-ups, 60 squats, 20 pull-ups, and practiced on my taijutsu.

By the time I finished everything it was 6 a.m. I went up to my room to be greeted by my mother and I took a shower, put on my clothes grabbed my stuff and sat down at the table.

I began to eat my food, as soon as I finished I started to walk out of the house until my mother hugged me from behind.

"Be safe. Be respectful. And don't cause trouble" she said with a sad voice.

I nodded "Of course mother"
And with that I left the house to the academy.

I was the first one to the classroom and sat at the corner.

When all the students were here Sensei came in smiling at me.

" We have a new student, why don't you introduce yourself"

I stand up as people stair whispering some random things I didn't care about.

"My name is Sakura Uchiha"

And with that I sat down although many were expecting more. With that we started the class.

"Ok class. First we'll start with some shuriken training. Let's go outside."

I was the last to walk out but it was worth it. I didn't have to watch all the other kids practice.

Once I got out I was called up.

I took a short breath and tossed a shuriken a centimeter above the target.

I sigh in frustration and try again. This time hitting the center of all the others.

"Wow Sakura! That's amazing on your second try. I might just have to talk to the hokage if you pass the taijutsu lesson next."

Right after he said that we were starting a match.

"Sakura Uchiha vs Aki Tanaka"

My eye twitched.

'that name... She looks arrogant also'

I walked up to her as people start to cheer for Aki.

" What are you going to do uchiha? Cry like a little 3 year old and ask for your mommy?"

I just stared at her, not really paying attention

"Hey!! Ugly pay attention to me as I talk to you!"

Aki charged at me but I finished in a matter of a minute.

I swipped my leg under Aki and quickly sat on Aki about to punch her.

As she quickly covered her face and tears started to form.

I look at her in dissapointment, getting up I leave to the classroom

"So much for boasting about yourself"

I hear the bell ring and I gather my stuff. I start leaving school when I see my father talking to sensei.

He motions me over and I walk towards them

"That was amazing sakura! I'm going to ask the hokage to move you up classes right away. You truly are a prodigy!"

I bow to him and gave a slight smile. "thank you sensei"

And with that me and my father leave. He grabs my hand and I look at him.

He smiles " that's my girl, soon you'll make the uchiha name known"

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