The end? pt. 2

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3rd P.O.V.

Sakura sighed in relief as she heard the destruction of the bridge.

It had been a few months since everything happened. Obito had died just like in the past again.

Rin and Kakashi were silent. During these past few months they have tried to blame themselves, and had even put most blame on Sakura.

They knew she was not going to fight back if they put Obito's death on her shoulders.

She knew they thought it as she did 'How could I let my clanmate die? I am supposed to succeed for the Uchiha, but I couldn't protect one member.'

Sakura wanted to let out a sigh, wanting to cry, as she kept an eye on the kids that kept their distance from her.

They were headed back to Konoha, Sakura was fully aware of what was going to happen.

She was definitely not prepared for what was about to go down.


Screams of agony pierced the ears of those that were around.

Tears streamed down the eyes of a child that tried comforting themselves from the pain.

One lied next to her seemingly lifeless, anger hidden within those brown eyes.

The other had his eyes wide looking at the two in front of him. He felt so helpless as the screams fell deaf to his ear.

He felt overwhelmed by the situation that he did not realize the tears streaming down his face.

He fell to his knees, his cries as loud as thunder in a rainstorm. He did not know what to do.

Over one-hundred Iwa-nin dead around the three. They were just a few days from reaching Konoha's gates, having already passed the boarder.


Sakura walked forward, staggering as her eyes seeming grey and hazy. Pain coming in waves.

Kakashi walked at a pace slightly faster than her, still making sure to keep an eye on her. He was surprised that she had not fallen over after all the stress on her body.

Her chakra reserves were that of an ill child. He was worried she might not survive any longer, it was only one more hour until they arrived to Konoha.

'Please hold on one more hour Sakura!!' Even his thoughts sounded desperate.

Although he would not admit it, he grew fond of the girl. Especially during the war.

He seemed to rely on her a lot for help, but now he felt guilt and helplessness as he saw her in this situation.


Sakura's P.O.V.

'Everything hurts so much!!' a little voice cried in her head. The ugly sobs annoying me to no end.

'Shut up already!!' I've had enough of the child inside of me crying. Although it was myself, I didn't think my inner self wouldn't mature with me.

I wanted to cry. The pain I was enduring, the people that died because of me, all those I had to kill.

I couldn't help but wonder if the 4th Shinobi War was really that bad.

The horrid sobs kept getting louder and louder while echoing in my mind.

I couldn't say anything to the child. I desperately wanted to let this heavy weight off my chest, but I couldn't start crying now.

I tried focusing on the blurred silver headed figure that kept looking back at me.

"We're almost there Sakura. Just a bit more" Kakashi's voice croaked out to me.

I knew we were a few minute away from the village. I recognized the road right away.

'A self-induced coma... Maybe that will shut her up. It may be risky, but I can rebuild all the chakra coils that have been burned up. As well as store my chakra again.'

I looked up to see the gates open and two figures of the guards looking at us entirely in shock.

A yellow headed figure accompanying the two men as well, he seemed to have just arrived not that much earlier than them.

I felt their chakra waver as they looked at the three of us. A chuckle escaped my mouth as best as it could.

"EMERGE-" My ears twitched at the deafening ringing as I watched as black dots started to appear in my vision.

'And so it begins. Sleep now child.' I watched people run to me right as the ground hugged me.

The child in front of me, outlined in white, cried in pain before falling asleep.


3rd P.O.V

Families cried in the hospital from hearing news of their lost ones.

Families also waited in anxiety to see their loved ones, to see if they were going to survive.

The Uchiha family was one of them.

Mikoto tried keeping her sobs silent while waiting outside of the ER. It has been quite a while since Sakura had arrived.

She tried not to stress herself, she knew Sakura would tell her that if she knew she was pregnant.

Itachi had fallen asleep on her lap after bawling his eyes out, wanting to see his sister.

Kakashi looked at the doors in hope that his new found friend was not dead.

Fugaku tried to maintain his calm. He cared for the child in the room, he knew he has been pushing her far, but he had not wanted her to be in this state.

It has been weeks since the war had ended and she was still not in a stable condition. Sakura had the chakra of a small animal, which has surprisingly been able to keep her alive this long.

The medics had been transferring blood and chakra to her so that she could live. Tsunade had also came in to see the child.

To say that she was surprised is an understatement.

Tsunade had wondered how the girl had managed to not kill herself with the self-induced coma. Of course she had not told her family that.

There was nothing they could do but wait.

"Uchiha-sama." Fugaku was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw the doctor coming towards him.

"Your daughter seems to be stabilized. She is still in a coma of course, so we will have to keep an eye on her chakra levels and wait until she wakes up"

Fugaku felt tears well up in his eyes. The doctor looked away as a way to respect the clan leader.

"Yes." "I will take my leave then"

Mikoto looked at Fugaku hopefully as he grabbed the sleeping Itachi in his arms.

"We'll come back in another week" Fugaku had his head down as Mikoto followed behind him.

It had been hard for the family.

It's getting more difficult as the elders are starting to act up now.

Itachi's eyes opened for a split second, looking at the doors getting further away from his reach.

"Sister...?" he saw a a beat up figure waving at him as sleep overcame him again.

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