Chapter 3: Another Four

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[T/M/N means TeamMatesName]
Nine Months After Leaving Beacon
It's been a while since I left Beacon, Nine months to be exact. Well, eight months and twenty four days if you want to be properly exact. I settled back into school pretty calmly, considering I missed out pretty much a whole year of education. All I needed was a tutor that came round after school and during the afternoon on weekends for two hours for a couple of months until he declared me back up to date with the current education. Currently, I'm a straight-A student, and for my A Levels I'm taking Art, because I animate and draw in my spare time, Music, obviously, Media studies for helping my YouTube videos ( did I mention that I now post most of my music and animations on YouTube? I have two million subs ), and finally computer science, as a back up in case my YouTube or Music careers ever fall flat, though it doesn't seem to be the case currently.

As for my living conditions...

Now, this is where things get a little interesting.

To my surprise, my uncle actually left me his eight bedroom... big house? Mansion? And £3,000,000, too. I don't know what to call the place I'm living in, but it has four floors and a basement that I renovated into my recording studios. It was a sort of bittersweet gift, as the letter that came with it had him apologising for his actions, and how the "family" is doing so far. Apparently they're not doing so well, slowly drifting towards the poorer end of the population due to "Dad" being fired or their business' failing multiple times. My uncle even went as far to call them "A bunch of fat sods who should eat their own crap" and told me that "They, along with me, do not deserve your forgiveness. I'll hang onto the cliff of purgatory for you, waiting to be kicked off into the damned fiery pits of hell."

I think I smiled a little inside for the first time because of a family member.

The actual House/Mansion thingy, though, is pretty luxurious and looks over the nearby beach.The first floor is the "Free To Do Whatever The Hell You Want" floor, where you basically can just chill out on the sofas and beanbags, watching T.V or going on the computers.
Second floor is a mix between a giant kitchen that Gordon Ramsay would probably approve of, taking half of a whole floor, while the other half goes to the dining room, with three large, circular tables that have a slightly raised, able to spin surface made of glass to place extra food on. The tables can seat up to ten at one table, that's how large they are. Third floor leads up to a corridor with rooms on either side, with the before-mentioned eight rooms, seven of which are currently empty with just a bed, an empty wardrobe, a desk and a chair in each.
The fourth floor, is Gamer Paradise. Full of high quality memes, computers, Xbox One X's, PS4's, Nintendo Switches and pretty much anything you can think of. The sad thing is, I wasn't the one who bought all of these consoles.

My uncle was.

Should I be sad?
Or should I be glad?
I know that he was pretty bad.
And he wasn't a great lad.
But should I forgive?
After all, he no longer lives.

This place is great and everything, but...

It's lonely.

It reminds me of the feeling.

The feeling of emptiness that comes with leaving something behind.

And of my girlfriends-

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N!) Is anyone awake up there?" T/M/N yells in my ear, prodding my head painfully with his finger. I jerk back to my own reality as my good friend snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Huh?" I shake my head. "Sorry, what did you say?" We were at a cafe, hanging out, both sipping our own drinks. I took a double chocolatey chip espresso along with some double chocolate espresso cookies, while T/M/N took a can of soda and a protein bar.

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