Chapter 9; Attack

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"B-boyfriend?" I exclaim, shocked. Monika smiles sweetly at me.

"Yeah, boyfriend! I asked you out in the game, and you said yes, so..." she replies, but her speech dying off towards the end. "D-did you... change your mind...?"

"N-no! It's just..." I sigh, trying to explain how conflicted I feel right now.

That makes two of us.

Before I can even reply, a siren goes off, making me and everyone in the cafe cover their ears and wince at how loud this new, wailing sound is.

"Attention to all citizens! A Grimm attack is imminent, but we have it under control! For your own safety, we recommend you to head to your homes and relax there, there's nothing to worry about!"

General Ironwood's voice echoes all throughout the city, and I can't help but get pissed at how idiotic this general is. Having a distress signal go off, then having one of the most important people in the entire kingdom say "Calm down the entire fucking city is going to die." is a sure fire way of causing panic. I bite my lip, thinking. Ironwood is an idiot, so I would go and help, but what about the girls?

You can drive them back and get to the fight in time. I'll help you out. They should be safe in the house with all the things you've done to it.

"C'mon, lets go." I mutter, furrowing my brow. We exit the shop with bags in our hands, along with plenty of other civilians, only to see a mass horde of people running about, a busy and scared hum in the air and atmosphere. I hold Sayori's and Natsuki's hands, hoping that they don't get swept away by the immense crowd that once seemed so kind, but now looked like an evil multi coloured ocean wave, ready to break apart everyone I'm with. We only walk for a couple of minutes before Yuri walks next to me, her face full of concern and turned to face me. I turn mine slightly so that she knows that she has my attention, and she inhales from slightly parted lips.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? You seem worried about something, w-well not worried, but... anxious? Prepared? Nervous?" She says, her voice tinged with a sense of trepidation, as if something were about to fly out of the roof above her and-

The window above us shatters and I see a body fly out of it.

Well, fuck me, does Yuri have some sort of semblance?

I quickly jump and catch the still in mid air lady who is wearing a red and black battle skirt bridal style and her weapon, a mechanical looking scythe/ sniper rifle hybrid in the same colour scheme as her outfit, then land, skidding across the ground a little. I look down to see who I've just caught, and drop her on the ground, dusting my hands off and leaving Ruby on the ground to mutter,

"Ow ow ow ow my bum that hurt ouch ouch owwwwww" while she holds her backside and rolls around in pain.

I would've left her there and then, were it not for a second person to jump out the window, clad in a fancy black bowler hat and a white suit with red lining. This gingered haired window jumper had a grey scarf on, a grey and red cane, black trousers and black leather shoes, along with black, leather gloves. Roman Torchwick, a well known criminal who had a giant bounty on his head, as well as class.

"Literature club, here's the keys to my car, get in there and wait for a sec, please. I just have to deal with this situation."

I throw them my keys, and Monika catches them expertly, nodding and rushing off while leaving comments telling me to stay safe.

"Ah, Red's boyfriend? You wouldn't happen to be cheating on little riding hood here would you?" Roman drawls.

"Nah, she's the one who cheated on me about nine months ago. I'd leave her to die if you weren't here." I reply, summoning a sword that I called "Alfa", an ordinary single edged katana, but with no hilt guard and a mini dragon jet on the bottom. "Feel free to kill her while we're fighting, I'll just call her collateral damage or something, I don't really care." Roman leans on his cane, leaning forward and looking curious.

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