Chapter 7; Picking Sides

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"Hello, Team RWBY, my exes. How are you all doing?"I say, putting my hands in my pockets. I tilt my head at them, waiting for an answer while trying not to run up to them, crush their throats and leave them to choke on their own blood, and beat their heads into bloody pulps, and -

Calm down, calm down, calm down. We have other people to worry about.

"Wait, these are your exes?" Natsuki demands, standing up and slowly backing away from Yang. The others do the same, but with their own people ; Sayori backing away from Ruby and Yuri backing away from Blake. Ice queen Schnee stays alone, of course.

"Yep." I say, still waiting.

"Y/N..." Ruby begins, but then hesitates.

"Choose your next words carefully, or else you might say something you regret, like "Fuck you, I'm glad we cheated on you." Oh wait, one of you did say that."

"I-I didn't mean to..." Yang mutters, looking at her hands resting in her lap.

"Sure, like how I didn't mean to commit suicide three times after you four cheated on me." Everyone in the room looks shocked, like they just found out the world was flat.

"Y-you... did that?" Weiss asks, her hand over her mouth.

Bastards. They saw two of them; why are they surprised that I'd do it a third time?

"Yes, I did. The first two you already saw happen in front of your very own eyes. The third was a couple of days after I left Beacon. I attempted to take a whole two bottle of pills, but my aura somehow stopped the effects of it, so I just had one hell of a stomach ache for a couple of days straight. Days without sleep, being barely able to move, being barely able to even scream." I can already see tears spilling over Team RWBY's eyes, and I resist the urge to laugh. Sayori walks over to me and grasps my hand, looking at me with a concerned and caring expression. I grasp her hand back, and before I can even smile at her she'd pulls me into a hug. I hug her back and whisper in her ear, "I won't do it again, I've learnt to see the light, pardon the pun." She hugs me tighter for a second then lets go, and we both turn to the others. Yuri squeezes my shoulder and I smile assuringly at her. "So. Why did you invite me here, again?" I ask them.

"T-to ask for your f-forgiveness." Ruby mumbles. I sigh.
Nobody speaks for a moment, until Natsuki walks from my side to my exes. She stands in front of Ruby for a moment, who is now standing up. We're all just looking at the two for an extremely tense moment, until Natsuki breaks it - Literally. She reaches in her pocket and puts something and puts in on, and punches Ruby full force, sending her sprawling her to the floor. I'm at her side in an instant, and quickly lift her in my arms, carrying her thrashing body over to the others.

And I thought we were the ones who needed to calm down.

"Calm down, Nat!" I whisper loudly, trying to hush her.

"No! They fucking cheated on you! Those fucking pieces of shit deserve to fucking die and -" I cover her mouth with my hand, and she shrieks, licking my hand and trying to prise it off. While she's trying to prise it off, however, I notice brass knuckles on her small hands.

"Natsuki! How did you get those brass knuckles, and why the hell did you punch someone with them without my damn permission!? Especially Ruby!"I scold, finally lifting my now saliva covered hand away, while wiping it on my shirt.

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