Chapter 5: Normal Life...? (P1)

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I'm in a dark, empty abyss, alone with nothing but the sound of my own breathing. Everything here just feels...


I begin walking, my footsteps echoing throughout this endless maze and my head, turning constantly to try and understand this mess of a world. As I walk, thoughts racing through my mind, I begin to worry.
Where is everyone?
Where am I?
How did I get here?
What happened before this?
Were the... events that happened before I "fell asleep" actually real?

Eventually, after what seemed to be an eternity, I arrived at a familiar looking, brightly coloured door. I knock on the door politely, and raise my voice a little.
"Hello? Is anyone in there?"
No reply.

I really didn't want to enter her room like this...
Isn't it a breach of privacy?
But she really leaves me no choice.

Where are these thoughts coming from? And why do they seem so familiar? Who's her?
Please please dont make me go through this again...

I gently open the door...


Opening the door, I see Sayori.
Her eyes fluttering.
Her hand reaches out to me...

And I just watch as she dies, choking to death on the rough rope that slowly kills her. Her bright blue eyes lose their shine, her worried expression showing once, then disappearing forever to be replaced by a blank, dead, expression, forever.


I finally come back to my senses, and throw up. Or at least try to, but all that comes up is...

A mess, a bunch of fragments of Sayori that look like a puzzle piece to put her back together. I spot her eyes, parts of her hair, her mouth and her bloodied fingers on top of the mess that I've just vomited. My eyes widen.

What the hell is this... hell that I'm in?

Watching my childhood friend killing herself, then throwing her up? Looking at her disembodied, eyes, fingers and mouth I resist the urge to scream, shout and do whatever might suppress this horror rising up inside me.

Her mouth moves, despite being a separate part of her entire body, and I proceed to collapse, unable to muster up the will to stand and also unable to stand physically; my legs have lost all feeling, and all I can do is turn my head to look at the hanging girl slightly swaying from the ceiling.

The patches of the "other" Sayori fly over next to the corpse and assemble themselves, not in the right order, though, leaving a horrifying mess of glitched body fragments all over the place - her left eye is where her elbow should be, patches of her school button shirt are on her arms and legs, one covering where her right eye should be and her feet and around her waist. The two start moving their arms - the rough shape of an arm for one of them - and point at me.

"It's your fault." They both say.

"It's your fault. If you had just cared about me more, walked her to school, checked on me when I said I wasn't feeling well, remained friends with her after middle school, none of this would've happened. This is all your fault. You could've done everything to prevent this, but you didn't. This is all your fault."

Their fingers are still pointing at me, so I try to speak, to apologise, to do anything, but I can't. Like the coward I am, I just shake my head, and leave the room, leaving their chants far, far behind me.

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