Chapter 4; The Notebook

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I walk towards Yuri, attempting to hide the exhaustion that comes with using my semblance for too long. Somehow, after only a couple of seconds of walking, my steps end up being forced, having to rely on pure will and having an unsteady rhythm to them, rather than relying on muscle memory and having a calm, steady beat. I silently breathe in and out continuously, attempting to steel my jolting nerves and ready myself for what's about to come. I look at Yuri's eyes as I walk, [Your Eye Color] against purple, almost having a staring contest, until she looks away, flustered and blushing bright red, causing me to almost fall due to her eyes being a sort of safety float in the middle of the ocean, but in this case a landmark for my treacherous journey across a patch of carpet. I reach towards her wounds, but she jerks away, similar to Sayori and says,
"N-no, y-you don't have to! I'm fine!"
I freeze.
Where have I heard that before?


I dash over to Blake, who had just fallen out of a high up branch in a tree, picking up her fallen book as I do so. I think the book was called something like "That's Amore", or something like that, but it didn't matter; Blake could've been hurt! I kneel beside her, to see that she has a cut on her around the top of her right arm and on her thigh, a couple of centimeters above her knee. They're only about half a centimeter deep each, but I can see that they're still causing my favorite- No longer favorite - Faunus pain and discomfort. I instinctively reach to her wounds to help relieve her pains, but she jumps away, a good meter away from me.
"N-no, y-you don't have to! I'm fine!" She protests. I frown at her.
"C'mon, I'm your boyfriend! I'm supposed to help you and be there for you when you need it. Besides, it won't effect me that much, I know how to concentrate my aura into healing wounds faster now." I try to talk reason into her, and she eventually sighs and sidles up to me. I ruffle her hair between her Cat Ears / Bow and begin alleviating her pain.

Flashback End.
"I'm s-sorry Y/N, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to refuse your help." Yuri's scared voice drags me back into the present. I stare at her scared face and...


I peer closer and inspect her body language.
She's curled up in a ball, shaky hands across the area below her knees while on the corner of the bed, closer to Monika than me. I frown at this new knowledge. Yuri's scared of me more than Monika?
"Yuri, why are you scared of me? N-not to sound like a creep or anything, just wondering." I question, tilting my head as I do so.
"It's j-just, your face, it had an... angry expression, like you were going to attack someone." She confesses. "And your fists are clenched, too." I look down to see my fingernails digging deep into the palms of my hand, so I relax my arm, only to be greeted by pain. Upon further inspection, I find that I drew blood somehow, although the wounds are already fading.

"Sorry about that, I just... had a bad memory re surface. If you won't let me take your wounds, will you at least let me bandage them up with what little medical supplies I have?"
"S-sure, thank you." She says, quieter. I start rummaging around the drawers for a moment until I realize they're in the kitchen because of... a bit of an accident that (T/M/N) and I had, one that involved a lil' teeny tiny bit of blood.
I mentally facepalm.
"Listen, I'm going to go and find the bandages and stuff, do you guys mind staying up here while Monika and I go search for it?"
"Why does that bitch get to go with you?" Natsuki glares at Monika, who had perked up at the mention of her name, but sulked when Natsuki insulted her.
"I'm going to have to agree with Natsuki here." Yuri says.
"Because I don't want you three to become murderers. How am I supposed to take you out on dates and stuff if you're behind bars?" She blushed and looked away, but her face still had hints of anger across it. Monika gets up and starts walking towards me, looking down at the ground. It's almost as if she's walking to her execution ; the room is deadly quiet, and for some reason there's a lingering sense of violence in the atmosphere, like the moments before a fight. Before the green eyed mistress can reach me, I quickly dash over to the computer and flick the screen with my finger.

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