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So here's a lil extract of the sequel I had planned; just a random section I decided to write out. Note that this is just for a lil bit of fun, since I need them thoughts to be a lil quieter.


I was held, immobilized in mid air, my limbs being spread out as my arms and legs began being wrenched out of their sockets by a invisible force, an iron grip, unbreakable chains. I struggled for a bit, desperation to save the captured dokis sobbing silently in front of me mouthing and whispering my name giving me a little extra strength to pull, but still, nothing happened.

"Well, if I'm currently winning, I may as well boast." Aleena gloated, her palms outstretched by her sides, held low. Maybe that was what was holding me in place! I focused, grunting as my arms began to ache, an air pocket forming between my shoulder joint and my humerus, attempting to somehow use her telekinetic abilities with my semblance.

And still nothing happened.

"It's been a fun one. Really, it has." She drew closer to Monika, who was physically resisting despite the huge swords against her neck and the monstrous giants, around 7 foot tall, clad in orc armour with armoured blue hide showing through, surrounding her, the others following her lead. "Don't kill them just yet." She ordered, her harsh tone commanding her servants. "Now, I could kill you right here and now, and that would be the smarter move, buuuut... the rewards for keeping you alive are much more promising. And besides," she flashed me a smile as I began to groan from the separation. "It's a lot more satisfying to do this."

She walked over to Sayori, who tried to scamper away in fear in vain, and tapped her, once, on her lips, then did the same to the other 3 hostages, although Yuri almost managed to chomp on the demonic universe hopper police's finger. With one final grin, she snapped her fingers, and two things at once happened.

The invisible bonds yanked on both my arms, dislocating both of them, before vanishing and disappearing, dropping me on the floor as I yelled in pain, not bothering to try and hold it in.

And she disappeared, along with the demons that held the dokis in place, the air bending and folding around them before fazing out of existence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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