Chapter 1: Why me?

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Author's Note:

Welcome back!

I have decided to take a different approach with this book and writing it in mostly first person view (Jimins). I hope you like it and as most of you probably know, this is the sequel to my first book: "Blood, Sweat and Tears- In the Devils Clutch". If you haven't read it yet, my suggestion is to give it a read and then come back as it will make things alot more understandable.



Jimins POV:

Have you ever felt completely powerless? I have. I am surrounded by darkness and what is it exactly? Darkness can be your biggest enemy, but also your closest friend. It can be a curse or a blessing. Right now, darkness is my best friend. It's my blessing. Cause I would rather be surrounded by the darkness than face the current reality.

He found me.

After 6 months of freedom. 6 months of trying to find my way back to a somewhat normal life, it was all in vein. How though? How did he survive? The house was half way to ashes by the time the fire department arrived and Namjoon told me that he knocked him out cold. How did he manage to track me down?

So many thoughts were running through my mind while I could still feel his breath against my neck. I was too scared to move. Frozen in that spot as I saw two of his men closing in on me from the front. I had to get away. I had to try and call for help. I screamed, but as my voice made its way out of my mouth, he laid his cold, disgusting hand over it. Silencing my cries. Tears were already streaming down my face as I could feel his other arm rap around my waist, touching me, sending shivers down my spine.

He pulled me closer to him as he whispered in my ear. "Shh, we don't want your friends to get tangled in this mess now, do we." It wasn't a question and I could feel his grin becoming wider, it made me shiver, but I had to keep trying, I wasn't gonna give up without a fight.

I started kicking him, trying to get his hand off my mouth so that I could make that powerful scream I so badly wanted to achieve, but whom were I kidding. He was way stronger than me and I felt helpless in his arms, getting weaker by every kick. "Do you want us to get some sedatives Sir?" one of the men in front of me asked. This made me try to kick him again and I could feel his smile growing even bigger. "No" he said, laughing evilly. "I like it when he fights. He's always been a feisty one." he laughed again as more tears streamed down my cheeks.

I tried shouting again, but the only sound that came out was a muffled squeak and it made me sound even weaker. Suddenly I heard a car pulling up behind us. I turned around and saw a white van. One of those that you usually see in the movies. Those who are usually used for bank robberies. He started pulling me towards it, but I had already decided that I was gonna fight until there was no strength left in me.

I dug my heels in the pavement, trying to make my body as heavy as possible. And then, I bit him, hard. His hand suddenly let go of my face as he stumbled backwards, screaming at the pain. I quickly took the opportunity that had just been given to me. "JUNGKOOK!" I shouted with all I could manage and my voice echoed through the alleyway as I looked upwards. I could see his face. His face peeked out from the top floor window, but quickly disappeared as he spotted me.

I went for the hand around my waist to try and get it off me, but by this time Burn face had regained his balance and he quickly laid his hand over my mouth again, pulling me closer before he lifted me up. I tried screaming again. I was in real trouble now and as my body is not the heaviest of people, he easily carried me over to the van, followed by his men.

The door opened and as I was thrown inside, I manage to look over to where I had been standing.

My place had been taken over by a terrified Jungkook. Behind him the rest of my brothers, all with twisted expressions on their faces as the only thing they could do was watch helplessly as Burn face closed the door and the van drove off. I can't believe this is happening again. 

As I tried struggling, Burn face pinned me to the floor of the van, twisting me around so that I was laying on my stomach, he forced my arms behind my back and I could feel the oh so familiar cold metal wrap around my wrists. I heard tape being pulled and before I knew it, my feet wear stuck together. I wiggled, trying to get away from him, but he just laughed at me as he turned me back around again.

"Why baby boy?" he asked. "Can't you see how much I have missed you? How miserable I have been without you?" He gave me that evil smile again and before I even had the chance to answer him, he laid a silver piece of tape over my mouth, caging any sound or cry I wanted to make. I turned away, closing my eyes as I kept crying and I couldn't help myself but ask the same question again. 

Why me?

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