Chapter 5: Traitor

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Third Person POV:

12 Months ago

"I can give you 2 rounds right now, but it's going to cost you heavy," The British man smiled at the Korean man in front of him. He had been asked for an urgent meeting and the man had seemed quite desperate on the phone. Now standing in front of him in the English mans office, he was begging for him to fulfil his addiction. His cravings had gone out of control and the thirst was unquenchable. 

Pleading for his wishes to be satisfied, the Korean mans eyes glistened when the other brought out 2 small plastic bags from his pocket. The white powder was shining like crystals for the Korean and he couldn't wait to get his hands on it. He was desperate, already dreaming of the future high he was gonna have as soon as he got back to his office.

"I will give you 6 months" the English man said, his voice stern and serious. "6 months to give it back to me or I will be taking what I have longed for a long time. I have been nice to you so far, but if you trick me again, I will ruin you, I will take him as your payment" The Korean man, already drugged on the thought of getting high only nodded, little did he know that he would regret what he had just agreed on and it would haunt him for the rest of his life.


Jimins POV:

Current time

Pain and suffering. That is what my life has been centred around. The pain I felt both physically and mentally, almost broke me. Mentally I was pained with the fact that I had been stupid enough to think that I could escape, but the chance had been there and it had been oh so tempting. It was like a drug that had pulled me in and made me addicted immediately, the little taste off freedom that I had just experienced was enough to get me hooked, but yet again it had all been in vein. Physically, the pain in my arm was unbearable and the blood had no intentions of stopping anytime soon.

As I was hauled to my feet, the man pushed me towards the bathroom, telling me to sit on one of the chairs as he proceeded to pull out a first aid kit from one of the cupboards. I flinched and whimpered when he touched my arm, which resulted in a hard slap across my cheek and a harsh "shut up and keep still". I couldn't stop the tears from leaving as I silently sat there sobbing, trying to think of what Jungkookie and the others were doing. 

Surely, they must have given up by now?

My mind rushed back to reality as the man finished wrapping up my arm with a bandage. Pulling me back into the bedroom, I noticed that Burn face had returned. He was sitting on the sofa closest to the TV, busy scrolling on his phone. The redness on his face had toned down and his eyed had moved over to a softer brown shade. He looked up and glared at me before nodding to the man holding my arm. He pushed me towards the bed and before I had a chance to protest, he lifted me up and threw me on it. "Keep still" he commanded as he pulled my arms above my head.

I was sick of this, sick of being tied up. Sick of having my freedom taken away from me. Sick of having the same old, cold metal digging into my wrists. I pulled myself up into a sitting position, hiding my feet underneath my body so that I could make myself as small as possible. I had the terrible feeling that my nightmare of a night wasn't over yet. The fact that my shirt had been left in the bathroom and the only think I was currently wearing was a pair of black jeans. I grabbed the opportunity to look down on my hip. The tattoo forced more tears out of my eyes and I could feel the hair rising on my body.

"Property of E.J.M"

That's what I had become. Property. The word lingered on my tongue and I felt disgusted by it. The word made me want to throw up. Just a fucking toy, that was all I was, one to just be played around with. As if he was reading my thoughts, Burn face stood up, an evil grin plastered on his face and I knew that the worst was yet to come.

Closing the distance between himself and the bed, he slowly made his way over. Sitting down on the edge, his eyes studied me. Craved my body as a predator who had just killed its prey. I shivered, more tears escaping my eyes as I tried to make myself even smaller, hiding my face in-between my arms. He moved closer, licking his lips in the process. "You have been a very bad boy" he talked to me as if he was scolding a 6-year-old child. "Bad boys needs to be punished" he continued.

As I protested he pulled my feet towards him, stretching out my body until my arms were raised above my head again. "Please, I'm sorry" I begged, but there was no God here, only the devil and devil had his plans already made out for me.

On cue, he quickly pulled my jeans down, my boxers following soon after as I closed my eyes, thinking about the multiple times he had done this to me. Defiled my body the worst way possible and then just throwing me away when he was done. He was going to do the same now. I tried kicking, resulting in his evil grin becoming wider as he twisted my body around so that I was now lying on my stomach. Crying, I felt hope leaving my body. 

There was no light, no hope, and no angels in hell. No one to save me.

"I'm sorry" I tried again, earning a hard smack on my left butt cheek, causing me to scream out in pain. This was going to be rough I thought to myself as my other butt cheek received the same treatment. Feeling my legs being forced apart, I could only bury my face in the pillow in front of me as I heard him unzipping his jeans. Waiting for the excruciating pain to hit me and it did, like a fucking train. He pounded into me showing no mercy and I could tell from the force he used that he was angry.

"You need to learn some respect, puppy." he thrusted harder. "You are nothing but property. My toy" he thrusted deeper. "My slave that I can do whatever I want with. My personal little fuck puppet" I cried "Nothing but a whore to my orders, my commands. You are to obey anything I ask you to do and I will punish you hard until you understand that." another hard thrust. "You are nothing but trash underneath me. Your whole life is in my hands and I can do whatever I want with you." another one. "You will always be below me, destined to be at the bottom, unless I tell you otherwise" at this point his words hurt more than the pain I was feeling in my lower half. "I will fuck you until the only words you can mutter are Yes, Master. Then and only then, I will stop." I whimpered, my whole body shaking underneath his clutch. His words hitting my like a whip.

I cried myself to sleep. 

He raped me three more times that night as well as hitting me and kissing me, leaving bruises and hickeys all over my naked, pale body. He was right. I was nothing but trash. A slut to his body. He could do with me as he pleased, but once again my mind drifted to my brothers, to Jungkookie. 

They were the only ones that kept me sane in this godforsaken place. As he put his arm around me, pulling me closer into his embrace, I muttered to myself "I will never stop trying to get away from you," but this time, it was not to dead ears.

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